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  1. B

    Loneliness of the university Liberal

    Its hard to take the views seriously of anyone who actually fits perfectly into a political group that already exists. I think these people are more about group dynamics, needing to belong, conforming, then about political ideals. I guess its only human nature. If people actually cared about...
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    Should Muslim Holidays be recognised in Australia?

    what is this? I don't think so... don't get me started on the seperation of church and state. Religion should not be encouraged by the state, thats irresponsible. Its baaaadd for you also, the solution is no public holidays at all. See if the risk of that shuts them up.
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    Bright students 'betrayed' by HSC

    ok, but the question is, what kind of other measure could pick Einstein out of the pack when he was at highschool. The 'life story' and 'essays' used by other international universities for example probably wouldn't have worked either. I suppose anyone with very high intelligence and a...
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    just not caring.

    the point of it all is to keep trying to figure out what the point of it all is :P Year 12 can have this kind of impact on people, you pour so much of your limited time into something, and it makes you wonder if thats what you really should be doing. I think part of the problem might be the...
  5. B

    Not sure about my choices...

    Often in Science, you don't have to choose your major until, at the very latest, the end of the second year, although you must choose subjects in 1st and 2nd year that allow you to follow that major. For example, I know at Melbourne University that if you enjoy physics then you could also major...
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    Universities should take responsibility for builiding ethical and moral character

    You're absolutely right. Have a look at the highest ranking Universities undergraduate programs, especially the Ivy Leauge in USA, often there are only one or two courses, and they aren't vocational at all. The stuff you learn in a proper bachelors of Science isn't meant to be instantly...
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    Actuarial Studies

    From your previous posts I assume when you talk about "real maths" you are talking about number theory, group theory or knot theory, topology , complex analysis or some other crazy topic in abstract algebra or analysis, or perhaps a focus on the fundamentals... hardcore axiomic set theory...
  8. B

    schapelle corby - innocent or guilty?

    I don't know, and frankly, no one else here does either.
  9. B

    Are you over games?

    Last year I used to play games heaps, I was a serious hardcore gamer, I would spend most of my spare time playing them, especially UT2004, I was ranked in the top 1% for that game back in the day... This year though I have probably played the same amount so far as I would have in a month last...
  10. B

    Finance Postgrad - which uni?

    Actually, the top quant jobs like you to have phd's. from "The Ideal Quant Education – PhD in a numerate discipline • Maths, Physics, Engineering, Computational Finance" That's the kind of job you are looking for? Most people don't...
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    Science career paths?

    Don't underestimate how much top academics can be payed, if you are really good you can go to USA, get sucked up by the ivy leauge and make insane amounts, the average for full professors is probably close to 130k for ivy leauge, even higher average for the top of the ivy leauge. Harvard pays...
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    Wondering about Engerneering maths

    ok now being serious, if you do actually enjoy it and you want to do it, then its definently possible, you would have to take some kind of bridging course though, it might even delay your studies by a whole year, but if thats really what you want to do then you can do it sure. Don't expect it...
  13. B

    Super Smart Students

    Maybe some of the people you are referring to actually enjoy studying and don't have a single life goal of making as much money as possible, although I might be being naive and optimistic, The more you enjoy what you do, the easier it will become. Often times the very very best enjoy learning...
  14. B

    Regretting your course, regretting your choice of uni?

    No regrets here at all, but I think people would be able to make a much better decision after a year of proper tertiary study. First year subjects should be the same for many courses, and chances are, if you want to change, it wouldn't be to a course that is too different from the one you are...
  15. B

    What languages do you know?

    :speechless: +1
  16. B

    has this site been slow lately?

    It isn't usually slow, but about one in every 4 or 5 times I come here its very slow. Servers need an upgrade!
  17. B

    What does feminism mean to you?

    I think the big problem for Feminism is the big loud radicals who always make a lot of noise, and create an illusion that most feminists are stupid narrow people who actually support going directly against the original aims of feminism for equality between the sexes. Most intelligent people...
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    B Science/B Arts. Questions!

    It really depends on the University, each does it differently. You should however be able to do Masters and become an accredited psychologist with an arts/science degree with one of your majors in psychology, but again its not 100% certain and it would depend on the University. I suggest you...
  19. B

    Science degree without HSC Science?

    It's not the norm for people to go into science with no year 11/12 in science, but... Depending on the Uni, There are often "easy" or fundemental courses for people who didn't do a subject in year 12. This is true at Melbourne Uni at least, there is fundemental chem, physics and maths. It's...
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    Unwanted teen sex on the rise

    unwanted sex? Do you mean rape? It's only an issue if they are being forced against their will. Otherwise it's just stupid people making stupid decisions that they regret. Hardly your or my problem.