Search results

  1. B

    ECON111 - Microeconomics

    Yeah 4 some. And u can get them from the E-reserve without permission. 4 the ACST201 past papers I saw them in the E-reserve as well. The same applies 2 ECON200, BUSL250 (some very old ones).
  2. B

    ECON111 - Microeconomics

    1st tip: Have Alec Yang as ur tutor. He always prepares 4 the final exams and may give u some "gonna be in the exams" questions. He teaches great as well. 2st tip: Have Maria as ur lecturer. If u can't, choose Stephane Mahuteau. U would never understand half of what he says but he s great and...
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    ECON111 - Microeconomics

    U studying at SIBT, rite? The maths that using in lectures are just bullshit, nvm them. 99% of students don't understand, either. And at least 3-5% of them get HD (me included). The first exam, as my m8 told me, is always a bit hard. But there 're past papers been spread thru SIBT and they're...
  4. B

    Is it possible to study more than 96CPs?

    Why not? The uni would get more fund.
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    Buy and Sell thread

    Re: Buy and Sell thread - Sem 1 and 2 Yeah it is.
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    BBA 102 - What to expect? Why didn't u have a glance at this?
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    Buy and Sell thread

    Re: Buy and Sell thread - Sem 1 and 2 Is 60 bucks 4 ACCG340 one ok 4 u m8?
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    Question regarding good tutors 4 ACCG310/340 and BUSL320

    Umm...I'm finding a way to figure out the teaching schedules of those "good" tutors...Any suggestions men?
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    Question regarding good tutors 4 ACCG310/340 and BUSL320

    Thank men, I'm gonna stay 1 mile from Florentia...
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    Results for semester 1/2010

    What the hell was it man? I sometimes make joke about doing something like that to get exams cancelled but never in my wildest dream have I imagined it would happen...
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    Can u buy a Uni degree? Yeah...

    Kinda. I've heard that UTS is planning 2 do so (or already)?
  12. B

    Can u buy a Uni degree? Yeah... That is the answer 4 some students like kinda Nikki9 (or some name like that). I've heard that some unis in NSW are planning 2 let students resit final exams 4 negotiable fees or whatever. Hope...
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    Question regarding good tutors 4 ACCG310/340 and BUSL320

    Do u know their mails so that I can mail them and ask them about their tutorials' date? Thanks heaps in advance. And is Tony u mentioned a Tony Shum, a Hongkongnese guy?
  14. B

    200 level or 300 level elective for Summer?

    I have the notes 4 the subject. Seems very easy (Summer course). But it may be the case of other Law units, easy 2 pass hard to get high grade. I'm gonna do it the coming sem. Dem127 is an easy one I dare say.
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    The UNSW Textbook Buy/Sell Thread

    ECON1101, selling 4 55 bucks.
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    Selling ECON1101

    I'm selling ECON1101 text, mint condition: Principles of Microeconomics, 2nd, by Bernanke et al: 55 bucks. Any one interested, plz pm me.
  17. B

    Question regarding good tutors 4 ACCG310/340 and BUSL320

    So far I have had more bad experiences with tutors at MQ than the good ones. Hence, for the above subjects supposed to be very rigorous and important I wanna choose good tutorial classes to enroll in. Can u guys suggest me some? I've also heard that Florentia (Bishop) is good at teaching...
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    Selective Units

    In the past I assume it might even be easier than STAT170. Perhaps the fact that 2 many Asian students having enrolled the subject (because of its ease, not its nature) made the lecturers change their minds.
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    Selective Units

    1st sem of 2010, STAT279 is not easy as it used 2 be and many just wanna pass, so different from the past...
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    Not the same like ACCG250 and ACCG251, ECON241 and ECON141...ACCG252 spots much more on practice while there are heaps of theoretical issues in ACCG253. Last sem while ACCG253 had a shitty LIC and a forgettable (not quite hard but bullshit) final exam, ACCG252 had a huge one with 112 MCQs and...