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  1. EdmondDW

    HD Average

    and all the stories told us...never touch BEES subjects...:bomb:
  2. EdmondDW

    HD Average

    damn...I got 74 for a shittest subject, no wonder I havent got into dean's list.....something must be wrong with my head when I enrolled in BIOS1301:burn:
  3. EdmondDW

    UNSW Subject Reviews.

    I agree with u for BIOS 1301...this is the shittest subject I have ever done in UNSW...very disorganised, boring and useless...Enrolling in it = wasting ur money~
  4. EdmondDW

    HD Average

    Sorry for that, mate~I really dont know ur post is a sarcasm, and thought u r just another cocky guy... And all my complaints r not for u...just for a damn crazy subject...
  5. EdmondDW

    HD Average

    So can u show ur academic transcript to us...since u r such a genius... If u never get a HD average, how can u say it is easy, or even PRETTY easy... I studied pretty hard with little social life, even at this moment, I am still writing my report...damn...doing science major means u will...
  6. EdmondDW

    how to meet more people?

    Wooo, the experiment is sooo cooolll... Good job~
  7. EdmondDW

    how to meet more people?

    I hava lots of friends...and still want to make more...
  8. EdmondDW

    Most Useful/Useless subject at UNSW

    From my experience... Worst:BIOS1301....(This is the only one I got below 80 so far, also my disgrace until I garduate:burn:)
  9. EdmondDW

    BABS1201 question

    I NEVER use... Dont but it...:ninja:
  10. EdmondDW

    HELP: Subject Clashes

    I think she cant pick different streams...She did HSC in 2007, she must in second yr now....and most second yr's lectures just have one stream. First, go to science student office to get a form about the classes clash. Then go to the schools of these classes to get the permisson about the...
  11. EdmondDW

    freshman textbook question

    My suggestion is attending the lecture first, and then make a decision... Like me, I bought all the textbooks in my first yr, but I even didn't open some of them...coz most of the lecture notes were really detailed and almost covered all the exam points already... For some other courses...
  12. EdmondDW

    Easier courses = easier to achieve good grades? ( HD or D)

    I admit that higher chem is harder, but chem1011/1021 is not that easy as u said... And the content of chem1011/1031 is nearly same as chem1031/1041, this is Dr.Robert told me...
  13. EdmondDW

    Transferring?? B.Sci --> B.Sci (Adv)

    Probably it is hard for u to transfer into advanced science. For B.Sci(adv), u need to keep a wam>70 every term...
  14. EdmondDW

    Easier courses = easier to achieve good grades? ( HD or D)

    Actually, for the lecture content, no big differences between chem1011 and chem1031...This is what Dr.Robert told me... But the lab work of higher chem is much more interesting and the demonstors r all PHD students no honour yr's students... I did chem 1A & 1B, and got 95+ for both, if u got...
  15. EdmondDW

    clashing lectures = you have to give up on the course?

    I want to do biomath very much, but cos of the clash with analysis chem.... I must give up... That was sucks...
  16. EdmondDW

    i got 95.3

    I dont believe anybody can achieve a fantastic mark without studying....stop misguiding other ppl and showing off... Anyway, to be honest UAI 95 is not high at all... For ur major, do what u likes...
  17. EdmondDW

    2nd year subject in 1st year?

    I did a second yr's chem course in my first yr... coz I didn't know some physical chem formulas which were taught in first yr, It definitely affectted my mid session exam...although finally I got HD for this course ... I think I can do better if I took it in second yr... So....:mad1:
  18. EdmondDW

    TSP Progam @ UNSW

    I am in this program...and i can't see any differences between noraml Advanced science program and TSP... BUT I know some research courses only open for students in TSP...which means u can get into lab very early.... meanwhile, u need to keep a WAM above 85 or 80? I am not sure, my WAM is...
  19. EdmondDW

    advance science?

    yep, I heard only very few positions offered per yr (around 2?) and u can't find on handbook for this course? Wooo....a research group has 20 researchers...seems so crazy...and his research is about blue-green algae or water enironment sth...I am not that interested in it...I am more...
  20. EdmondDW

    advance science?

    Not BABS3301, it is BABS3306...3301 is for third yr... I got two suggestions, Pro.Brettt Neilan and Pro.Marc Wililins...Marc's research seems focus on bioinformation and protein....seems very hard but interesting~