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  1. Serius

    Bikies 'burned tattoo' from Hudson's arm

    yeah its like they dont even realize its two words
  2. Serius

    Wrongfully Convicted at 13 for Murder, Is Freed At Age 30

    what would be fair compensation for being locked up for 15years? I think i would be happy with 10million dollars. Its enough to live off doing nothing in good comfort for the rest of your life, you could buy some real estate and rent it out or whatever you want really, set up a trust fund for...
  3. Serius

    At what stage does someone become your boyfriend/girlfriend?

    At the same time, its a useful indicator, and if i am just having a chat with a classmate i dont know well or something i dont really care what that persons name is, whats more important is their relationship to them. 90% of girls will indicate if they have a boyfriend or not in the first 10mins...
  4. Serius

    Can a male ever be friends with a hot female and not masturbate over her?

    people masturbate over people they know? why dont they just go look at porn or something...
  5. Serius

    Pick up lines

    offer to suck her tits
  6. Serius

    Australia is to announce $73bn in defence spending aimed at equipping its military.

    Re: Australia is to announce $73bn in defence spending aimed at equipping its militar Yeah, our bases stockpile massive amounts of what we need, they could wage a war for years before needing resupply, we probably just buy our ammo and stuff from other countries anyway, so the only difference...
  7. Serius

    Govt urges parents to invade childrens privacy

    i am trying not to lol so much, especially about the 15 yr old girl in a gangbang.
  8. Serius

    ne1 wanna join my super hero squad?

    are you just trying to be stupid?
  9. Serius

    Australia is to announce $73bn in defence spending aimed at equipping its military.

    Re: Australia is to announce $73bn in defence spending aimed at equipping its militar Theres plenty of scenarios you are not taking into consideration. You want support from our allies? well you have to give some back too, and with this upgrade we can give more than just a token hand. Also i...
  10. Serius

    Australia is to announce $73bn in defence spending aimed at equipping its military.

    Re: Australia is to announce $73bn in defence spending aimed at equipping its militar we allready knew about the airforce upgrade, i was pretty happy with the proposed jsf acquisitions as they fit our profile and what we need perfectly, the naval upgrade whilst expensive is also very necessary...
  11. Serius

    2 and half men is overrated

    Yeah, the plots weren't that great and i found it kind of boring and difficult to sit through whole episodes. Ok to watch though and for some reason my housemate loved it, he had whole collections, posters and shit. Sometimes they had really clever, intellectual little jokes that i loved, kind...
  12. Serius

    GF's bestfriend Hates me!

    You know whenever your not around he is fucking her right?
  13. Serius

    One in a million: Interracial Twins!

    depends how you think of it, its like a 50% chance of happening if she is fucking two guys at once and releases two eggs[which she obviously did to produce fraternal twins] Compared to their much higher million to 1 chance, my theory looks more plausable, it says so in the article that for...
  14. Serius

    What do men care about more out of these two?

    depends, i would prefer to be poor with a working penis than rich with all the luxuries in life but no working dick. i would prefer to be rich with a great, enjoyable career and a small [but working] penis than poor and a huge perfectly shaped or whatever one.
  15. Serius

    One in a million: Interracial Twins!

    I like how they try and explain it about how both parents are mixed race when my explanation is simpler. Shes a slut. fraternal twins with different fathers. She released two eggs as is normal in fraternal twin scenarios, except she allready had sperm from her affair inside her uterus, the two...
  16. Serius

    ne1 wanna join my super hero squad?

    can i just be an internet superhero? i can have two special powers: smack keyboard with helmet drool on keyboard. i can be fueled by douchebaggery. also i dont want to give food or money to the homeless :(
  17. Serius

    what is it with karen o

    nont a fan or anything of YYY, but i dont mind them, good to listen to when just sitting around with a few friends having some drinks. Probably on par with the strokes in my mind and the situations i listen to them[and yeah the strokes are a much better band, just saying they both fit a similiar...
  18. Serius


    I dont smoke myself but i dont mind it if others do, doesnt particularly bother me, i dont really mind the taste, my dad has smoked all his life so to me it smells like love and hugs. I guess a preference would be for a girlfriend to quit because of the long term problems, waste of money and i...
  19. Serius

    How to lose weight off my stomach

    What kind of backwards logic is this? more situps means you are exercising more and comsuming more energy = weight loss. this thread is full of it, you cant spot reduce fat, the only way to lose fat is to consume less energy than you expend, so yes starving yourself will work [though not a...
  20. Serius

    Selling WoW Account

    lol yeah, something similiar happened with a slut on my server and every1 loled. For a second i thought that was her, but this girl is a lot fatter and looks more emo.