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  1. omar273

    any chance???

    and all in all, anything's still possible
  2. omar273

    any chance???

    This depends on many things, and I assume that you mean Mathematics Extension 1: 1. Quality of your school 2. Quality of your school candidature 3. How many units you're doing - If you really aren't doing very well, you could drop that subject, assuming you have atleast 11 units at the moment...
  3. omar273

    ClOUDStReEt ReSouRCeS?!?!?!

    good luck with that absolutely horrible book. I absolutely detested every last word. There are only a couple of articles and reviews written on it, and everyone usually has access to them, anyway.
  4. omar273

    Best Chemistry Textbook

    Chemistry Contexts is the most thorough, it was my primary text. You should complement it with the excellent Macquarie and Surfing Revision guides.
  5. omar273

    Is english pointless?

    really, maths should be compulsory? that wouldn't be a good idea. Although I'm not saying that the current English syllabus is any useful (especially advanced, although the extensions are highly useful and enjoyable), how many people ( as a percentage), would really ever need to differentiate...
  6. omar273

    To help us all!!!!!!

    A little unethical... but I can see where you're coming from
  7. omar273

    The Revenger's Tragedy

    try the BOS resources page. Also, since you are usually only required to write about atleast 2 prescribed texts, if you REALLY hate TRT, you can skip it. I used it, coz it was more useful to my thesis than High Noon.
  8. omar273


    For Genre in Eng Ext 1, you need to discuss conventions and values. Tracing the development of the genre is a good idea. It also gives you an opportunity to trace the evolution, moving from an older texts to new contemporary ones, supplemented with your ORM.
  9. omar273

    exam next week for english extension1

    This is the wrong thread to post this. Try the English Extension 1 subforum, where you will find many resources and also if you're lucky, past students will also endeavour to answer your queries. and welcome to Bored!:wave:
  10. omar273

    To help us all!!!!!!

    There are already extensive resources available:
  11. omar273

    If UAI is a rank, does the average person get a 50 then?

    Because 1 guy will kill it for the rest and jump out for their own 100 UAI glory
  12. omar273

    How distracting is MSN for you?

    ditto I suggest if you have to have some social contact, try to limit the amount everyday You don't have to study all your available time. If you really like messaging, make it your break and stick to it
  13. omar273


    it really depends - if you need to read something and practise it many times then do all the study you can. Basically study hard and study enough that you feel confident you can achieve your goal
  14. omar273

    Mathematics tutor

    i always liked fitzpatrick, but an even better book is the success one series - past hsc questions with worked solutions are always handy
  15. omar273

    If UAI is a rank, does the average person get a 50 then?

    oh and to reply to the question of how many students are on each UAI rank: approx 20 people each year get 100 (this year it was 18) then each 0.05 increment is approx 40 people (this year it was 41) In my case a UAI of 99.90 puts me in the top 100 students
  16. omar273

    If UAI is a rank, does the average person get a 50 then?

    geez someone's bitter and your theory doesn't make much sense in your case, i doubt that anyone who got over 99 would have not gone to Uni
  17. omar273

    Does Year 11 count towards UAI?

    no, Yr 11 marks do not count toward your UAI. However, in the Mathematics courses, i think it's something like 30% of the exam tests Preliminary material so don't forget that
  18. omar273

    Eng 2U + 3U Tutor Wanted - Prelim

    maybe it would be more helpful if you posted what texts you study
  19. omar273


    I don't think that this is an appropriate place to post a tutoring thread. There is a whole section of Bored on Tutoring. EDIT: This thread has now been moved by one of the mods