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  1. omar273

    Australian Students Prize NSW Criteria

    i don't think it takes into account extra curricualr activities. It says that the board of studies, using their own criteria sends the list to them.
  2. omar273

    Australian Students Prize NSW Criteria

    Apart from the Premier's Award, there's a Commonwealth funded HSC prize: Does anyone know the criteria for the NSW HSC recipients? They...
  3. omar273

    Good movies for analysis

    since balderunner is on the advanced syllabus, it would be unwise to use it. Even if teachers say that you're not penalised for using a text already on the english syallbus, it gives a very bad impression, that you are too lazy to find your own texts. As a result, examiners are more likely...
  4. omar273


    make sure you discuss genre - it's conventions, ideas and values. This is what your course is structured around it. Above all, when discussing your texts, spend less time talking about how they conform and spend more on how they subvert the genre.
  5. omar273


    make sure you discuss genre - it's conventions, ideas and values. This is what your course is structured around it. Above all, when discussing your texts, spend less time talking about how they conform and spend more on how they subvert the genre.
  6. omar273

    Revenge Tragedy

    have fun with revenge. It is an extremely interesting and if you do the work, you can achieve really high marks. It is so much more interesting and meaningful than english advanced, as well as being less than half the work.
  7. omar273

    Supplementary Material: Revenge Tragedy

    make sure your related texts are unique! Markers are people too, and they get bored of reading the same stuff- regardless of how good it is. Having a unique, maybe post modern text, captures the marker's attention, who then is more likely to give a better mark.
  8. omar273

    Premier's Awards

    i know, what a snoozefest... and btw, what exactly does "smart casual" clothing entail?
  9. omar273

    Knocking off Ruse

    Maybe i'm being a little harsh about high. It's just that we have such great students at the top, but the bottom kind of lets us down. But hey, I'm proud of having studied there. Even if I was offered a place to Ruse, I wouldn't take it, nor do I think that I would've received my UAI if I...
  10. omar273

    The New Latin Cohort

    have fun studying latin this year. Latin students are always the smartest!:)
  11. omar273

    Whats a decent chemistry textbook ?

    i found chem texts to be the most useful overall. Although the 4th edition of conquering chemistry does look very flashy. Shame it only came out one week before my HSC.
  12. omar273

    Ext. Eng - drop it, or not?

    trust me, if you're competent with the English language, keep Eng ext 1. It is so much less work and more fun than Advanced.
  13. omar273

    hey, please help...

    sounds quite suitable to me.
  14. omar273

    Knocking off Ruse

    Since ruse has the elusive number one ranking, parents of the smartest year 6 kids will send them there. Plus, they reinforce their students by poaching the best 15 students from other selective high schools, so i think ruse will be on top for a long time to come. oh and SBHS in my opinion...
  15. omar273

    Who Gets Tutored/Coached?

    depends, if you're completely lost at school, since your teacher is just useless, then tutoring is really for you.
  16. omar273

    PI offers tuition

  17. omar273

    How accurate is SAM? 2005ers, please come in

    sam 2004/5 predicted almost exactly my actual UAI: it was 0.05 off. JUAI is a little less accurate, especially since it predicts anything around 99.8 as 100.00
  18. omar273

    invitation from USYD?

    oh, that makes sense
  19. omar273

    Your SC marks vs your HSc marks which did you do better in ?

    god, i'm actually completely opposite to most of you. SC: 2 band 6's, 3 band 5's HSC: All band 6's goes to show, sc doesn't mean anything!
  20. omar273

    invitation from USYD?

    oh and to zelba, i've just checked out ur post in the uai thread, you said you got 97.9. so why would usyd invite you, just curious?