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  1. S

    [Option Topic] Evolution of prgramming languages

    Its definitely logic. I'm a bit busy right now but will have a closer look over the weekend at the detail.
  2. S

    [Option Topic] Evolution of prgramming languages

    Just printing out the options. Post the MC if it's not a problem. I will get a copy of the original paper this evening so don't worry if its a hassle. Sam
  3. S

    [Option Topic] Evolution of prgramming languages

    I've only got Section II. Scan in the rest and I'll comment...
  4. S

    Question 22 exam thoughts

    No, you don't need all my waffle. That was my analysis of the question, not a recommended solution. From a student's point of view it really doesn't matter too much that the question was a bit bodgy. The marking process is extremely thorough, and I can confidently say that answers with worth...
  5. S

    Question 22 exam thoughts

    The card details are, in terms of the system given, just the CustomerNumber. I'd say the StoredPassword is looked up in the banks database using the CustomerNumber. The pass word is not validated until the ValidatePassword routine.
  6. S

    Question 22 exam thoughts

    Here's what I've posted to the Computing Studies Teachers group in regard to 22 (b)(i)... Hi everyone, Some comments on 22(b)(ii) in the SDD HSC. Exam committee members, please take these comments as constructive criticism. I just feel for the students who had to answer this question...
  7. S

    Samuel Davis Book p345?

    Just checked an old copy, and 45 was printed. It should be 55.
  8. S

    Samuel Davis Book p345?

    The question says 55 not 45, so the answer is A. (I'm not sure, but perhaps there was a misprint in the first print run, and you've got one of these books).
  9. S

    logical programming

    I've just skimmed over this thread and here's my waffle... 1. It is true that virtually all computers, and hence virtually all software, is ultimately based on the von Neumann architecture. I've never seen a computer that uses a different architecture. 2. This means that regardless of the...
  10. S

    Algorithm for marking :)

    I know what you mean Glide, however be careful with your use of the word assignment, it could be misconstrued. An assignment statement is used to shove some data in a variable, not declare its type. ie. 'Set Blah to empty string' means shove an empty string into the variable Blah. If your...
  11. S

    Algorithm for marking :)

    I disagree, the question says.... "The search needs to EXTRACT fare information for..." I can't see where it says to display it, in fact you don't have to display anything. The question says "calculate the cost of the tickets", to me this means the total cost of the tickets as that's what it...
  12. S

    Ok, just need to clarify something on pseducode.

    Look, try to use proper pseudocde, but don't worry too much about it. Its your logic that's being tested not your pseudocode syntax. If your only error was to accidently shove in a WEND instead of an ENDWHILE I'd be shocked if you lost a mark.
  13. S

    Algorithm for marking :)

    Bloody good answer!!!! However.... -Loop condition is wrong, should be Index<101 not Destination(Index)<101, so you lose a mark. A few other trivial things that wouldn't lose marks... -You don't need to specify the type of your variables in an algorithm, but don't sweat, losing marks...
  14. S

    decimal to hexadecimal conversion

    I'm supposed to be proofing my IPT prelim book. But it gets boring reading stuff that you wrote yourself, looking for dumb commas, sem-colons and stuff!!! So your questions are a diversion...
  15. S

    Mark my algorithm

    Yep, you've gotta iterate through the file from the start. A sequential file, is just as the name implies, a simple sequence of data items.
  16. S


    They are mentioned in the prelim syllabus, so you can use them, but only in pseudocode. The pseudocde syntax from the real BOS is unclear, either FOR...NEXT or FOR....ENDFOR should be acceptable.
  17. S

    Mark my algorithm

    Logically a great answer... Just a few points that mean it's not perfect. 1. Your algorithm will process the last transaction record, which is the 999 or sentinel or end of file marker. I think you need to do an initial read before entering the outside loop and then check for the 999...
  18. S

    decimal to hexadecimal conversion

    If the question just asks you to convert from decimal to hex or from decimal to binary then use this method. If it asks to convert from binary to hex or hex to binary, then examining each nibble is the way to go. Sam
  19. S

    logical programming

    Despite what your saying, which I guess in part is true, for the HSC exam I'd advise you to check out a few descriptions of applications developed in Prolog. Here's a few links of relevance... Some general applications Prolog...
  20. S

    Functional Paradigm

    You can use recursion in any of the paradigms, its just that in purely functional languages recursion is the primary method for implementing repetition (and in some functional languages its the only method). HTH Sam