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  1. S

    Discrepancies with Excel HSC practice exam answers.

    Hmm.. It sort of means, one go at checking out each required data element. It usually relates to a single spin around a loop, usually the outside loop. Never really thought about it before, so I'm a bit unsure also!!!
  2. S

    public domain

    Public domain means all copyrights have been explicitly relinquished, hence you can do what you bloody well like with it!!! Sell it, give it to your mate, throw it at the dog, whatever! Public domain software may or may not include the source code. Open source obviously does include the...
  3. S

    Tricky questions, quite difficult for me :p

    OK... I'll try to explain.... The expression you create must describe when the situation is true. So if you use the false outputs then the final expression must be reversed so your resulting expression describes what happens to get a true result. (Note: if there is more than one 0...
  4. S

    Discrepancies with Excel HSC practice exam answers.

    Sorry, the answer is 2 passes... The elements in the array are: 7 9 12 18 21 37 42 53 62 79 81 -There's 11 of them, so the middle one is the 6th, in this case it is 37. (1 pass) -As 62 is greater than 11 we've now just got the 5 elements 42 53 62 79 81 -Now the 3rd element is the...
  5. S

    Tricky questions, quite difficult for me :p

    I'm not clear if you're asking in regard to your circuit or in regard to my post??? (By the way your circuit is correct)
  6. S

    Tricky questions, quite difficult for me :p

    In response to -X-: I knew we wanted just NOTs and ANDs, that was in the question. When you can choose just a single row you ensure that NOTs and ANDs are all you'll get. (Remember each multiple row is joined using ORs). If we had chosen the true (1) outputs we'd have got: (NOT(A) AND B)...
  7. S

    decimal to hexadecimal conversion

    Winston's method is great, and realistically questions are highly likely to require both the binary and hex conversion. However to convert from decimal to any other base you just divide continually by the base. The remainders will be your answer in reverse order. For example to convert 100...
  8. S

    Tricky questions, quite difficult for me :p

    1. You can use the technique I discussed earlier based on either the 1 outputs or the 0 outputs. If you use the 0 outputs then you need to shove a NOT around each line. Actually it's often best to choose the 0 or 1 rows in the truth table based on the one with the least number of rows. Let me...
  9. S

    Evolution Help

    You need to be just a fraction more specific with your question. I mean, are you asking for us to teach you the whole topic?
  10. S

    Apology to SDD students..

    I left teaching to start a business writing software applications for schools. The textbook writing sort of just happened, I was approached by a publisher who offered me a pathetic deal as far as royalties are concerned. So we thought, why not publish texts ourselves, so we did! At present I...
  11. S

    I am absolutely not getting how you can just minus a binary

    MS Calculator uses the twos complement system and 1111111111... is the twos complement representation of -1 in normal binary. Everyone seems to be confusing normal binary numbers with twos complement binary, they are different systems! 1. Lets do 1000-1001 in normal binary: This is the...
  12. S

    Tricky questions, quite difficult for me :p

    Correct -X- The smallest number in a twos complement system is always a 1 followed by 0s. In effect the leading 1 represents a negative. However the rest of saves.the.days post is really excellent!!!
  13. S

    Tricky questions, quite difficult for me :p

    In the original post I had in essence: =NOT(B) AND (NOT(A) OR A) =NOT(B) Let me try to explain this: Consider the (NOT(A) OR A) part. - If A is true (1) then this becomes 0 OR 1 which is True (1) - If A is false (0) then this becomes 1 OR 0 which is also True (1) So (NOT(A) OR A) is...
  14. S

    Apology to SDD students..

    Unfortunately there is a real lack of trained SDD teachers. It's really difficult for most schools to fill positions. Hence, often teachers who are trained in other subjects take these classes out of the goodness of their hearts, nice ahhh!!! Many highly skilled computer teachers leave...
  15. S

    Tricky questions, quite difficult for me :p

    Sort of, by black box it just means draw a rectangle, with the inputs and outputs. To add 2 four bit numbers you'll need 1 half adder and 3 full adders. The half adder comes first as it doesn't have a carry in. Finally connect all the carry outs to the next adders carry in. The first 4...
  16. S

    Tricky questions, quite difficult for me :p

    Lets do this using an example, say the truth table was: A B Output 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 Some steps to do this: 1. Consider each set of inputs that lead to a true output. In the example this is the first and third rows. 2. Write each of these using NOT each time there is a 0...
  17. S

    Wondering if this is necessary to know

    BCD is not in the syllabus, I think it was in the old 2Unit or 3Unit course so maybe it was an exam for one of those courses where it was seen. As Winston said you just code each digit using 4 bits so... 1395 would be coded in BCD as 0001 0011 1001 0101 Sam
  18. S

    The REAL Three core components of Flip-Flop

    I doubt it, but even if they were buggers and did, then I suppose you could draw a simple latch and add some comments about the clock and edge trigger stuff. That's gotta make your answer better than most!!
  19. S

    The REAL Three core components of Flip-Flop

    All I can say is: a latch is able to store a bit, so if the question just asks about storing a bit then I guess a latch is sufficient. If a question asks for a flip-flop then that's another story. A flip-flop is more than just a latch, so i'd talk about the clock and edge trigger stuff as...