Search results

  1. Serius

    Fatties have right to extra airline seat

    We are not talking about your average obese person here. 99% of the australians that fall under the classification of overweight easily fit into an airline seat, this has nothing to do with the obesity epidemic. We are talking about morbidly obese people, people who cannot physically fit into a...
  2. Serius

    Personal Supercomputers

    eh not as great as you seem to think. I cant really think of any point behind using a supercomputer for the average gamer. Theres a long way to go yet before you can harness that power in any significant way that would effect me... iam not interested in crunching numbers for research or anything...
  3. Serius

    Fatties have right to extra airline seat

    thats the worst logic i have ever heard of.
  4. Serius

    Fatties have right to extra airline seat

    well what if we had a set, maximum weight for everything and you had to pay extra for anything over? e.g included in the ticket is 80kg. now if you weight only 60kg you can have 20kg of baggage, but if you weight 8okg you can only have carryon and if you weight more than that you have to pay...
  5. Serius

    Fatties have right to extra airline seat

    It could be a medical problem... hell if you are so obese you are functionally disabled then you should be given the same sort of treatment as other disabled customers, it doesnt matter why you are obese. Its not like when issuing disability parking stickers they ask you how you became...
  6. Serius

    best friend issue

    HAHAHAHA internet toughguy i love it! serious answer: yeah i am in a similiar situation, ive managed to hold it together for about 6 months now, basically i dont mention them to each other and sometimes i hang out with one friend, other times i hang out with the other. One of them works days so...
  7. Serius

    Are STD tests covered 100% by medicare?

    of course...
  8. Serius

    Father demanding child support paid back by mother after child revealed not his...?

    I am sick of these bullshit messages about doing whats right for the kid, and in the kids best interests. Fuck that! what about the father? what about the random guy who some slut pointed out saying it was father? where are their rights? why the fuck should they be paying for a kid that isnt...
  9. Serius

    Need good dance/club beats

    any remix by klaas is usually pretty good, just search him and download everything you can find
  10. Serius

    Would you...

    Meh ive never really gotten the chance/ known about it because some girls seem sqeamish about it. If given the option i dont see myself turning down some sex just because there is a bit of blood.
  11. Serius

    Puppy tortured and hacked before being killed :(

    you're. You did ask how you kill an animal, thats a way to do it. Nothing sick about it really..
  12. Serius

    Puppy tortured and hacked before being killed :(

    knife goes in, guts come out?
  13. Serius

    Operation recovery time?

    that day to recover from the actual operation, go home and sleep. A few days where you are a bit of a retard with food and it took me 5 days to be totally recovered with only a slight pain when drinking some stuff, but not enough to actually bother me. You should be fine.
  14. Serius

    Paternity tests prove hundreds of men duped

    suck shit to the dumb sluts, that will teach them to sleep around then try and pin it on one guy who isnt even the father.. Half the time they KNOW he isnt the father, they just need someone sufficiently gullible who wont question it or ask for a paternity test so they can hussle some child support.
  15. Serius

    The Bali Bombers' Execution

    not too fussed....against executions but they are bad people, i am not going to actively protest and talk about this but yeah executions shouldnt happen mmkay
  16. Serius

    Presents for your significant other

    I dont have a SO so ill tell u what ive done for some of my friends. so for my friends birthday i downloaded all of indiana jones and burnt it on dvds and stuck them in a case and used some watercolour pencils to make front covers. I am pretty poor and she knows this, she loves indiana jones but...
  17. Serius

    Puppy tortured and hacked before being killed :(

    why would some poorly thought out animal rights "documentary" about pushing the vegetarian agenda possibly make me change my opinion. I am a human, i eat meat, we need meat to survive, we have eaten animals for hundreds of thousands of years. I dont really give a shit that animals are raised in...
  18. Serius

    Presents for your significant other

    So he buys you expensive presents and you think this is bad? are they not stuff you like? yeah he probably realizes he doesnt have to spend so much, but he wants to for you and he obviously has the money to throw around so why not just take what you are given and be grateful?
  19. Serius

    Transferring to Wollongong?

    if you are pulling solid credits then you are in for sure, besides that it all just depends.
  20. Serius

    books, folders, paper?

    thats the best way to do it. I dont take any notes, i find being able to totally focus on the material means i absorb more infomation then i go home, read through the slides again and write up a summary of the important stuff. I have a pretty incredible memory though so this wont work for most...