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  1. Serius

    Psychology and Nutrition

    I do psych and i dont know anyone out of all my classmates who has that degree... i am pretty sure just doing a normal science major psych would qualifty you to do all the nutrition courses you want.
  2. Serius

    Puppy tortured and hacked before being killed :(

    not really, an animal life does not equal a human life...and i would never condone torture or execusion as a state punishment for a criime, no matter what the criminal did.
  3. Serius

    Does a girl look more beautiful when she's in love?

    what? hell no, if a girl is in love she looks uninteresting and boring. Nah not really, but in love or not has no real bearing on someones looks. If you have noticed some sort of correlation its probably due to another factor, i.e she is happier so smiles more, looks more approachable etc, or...
  4. Serius

    what makes someone a 'slut'?

    well maybe she could umm...try waiting a few days first? lol.
  5. Serius

    what do you put urself through every day/week/month? just to look good?

    i shower/wash hair every now and then, pluck my eyebrows maybe once a fortnight, deodorize every time i leave the house...umm what else. i shave every day, i might not bother if i am not doing anything that day though...i wear contacts so thats a bit of a hassle, hmm thats about it. getting...
  6. Serius

    Friends of the opposite sex

    yeah its possible to be friends, without any sort of sexual thoughts or tension ever ever? maybe for a girl, guys its harder but we just wont make a move if we respect the friendship. Hormones dont have to rule you, if you value the friendship enough and you realize that your personalities will...
  7. Serius

    Buying latest models of gaming mouse

    i ended up buying the G5 2007 model. Its alot like my mx518 but the grip seems to be better, the wheel has tilt, theres a little light display on it and the dpi is a bit higher. overall comfort isnt as good as the mx518 but i should get used to it, even if i dont the difference isnt that...
  8. Serius

    Puppy tortured and hacked before being killed :(

    total scum, but it happens all the time. Still makes me sick and i wish we could catch them all, but the fact is the police have more important things to do, and like the article said, the worst thas has happened was a few months in jail, hardly worth the effort of looking into.
  9. Serius

    Violent music and violent games make kids violent.

    Whilst i agree that the reasons for the columbine shooting were very complex, it is poor form to say eric harris was a psychopath and this is why it happened. 1. He was never diagnosed with it, this was post humorous bullshit. 2. he was too young anyway, its unethical to diagnose a minor with...
  10. Serius


    Do you think theres a point in apologizing when you were in the wrong or you hurt someone, even though you know it wont make a difference because what you did was so bad that they are totally done with you? is there some sort of benefit out of doing it like "well i still hate him, but at...
  11. Serius

    Buying latest models of gaming mouse

    Well you might play fine, but if you got a proper mouse you would go alot better. A good mouse becomes a joy to use and all of the extra buttons and features can really come in handy. Your peripherals is how you experience a game, so it makes sense to buy good ones so you get the best possibly...
  12. Serius

    Buying latest models of gaming mouse

    well first of all, whats a normal mouse? if you mean a regular cheapo $10 mouse, then theres a vast difference. A cheap mouse only has a dpi of about 400, a gaming mouse usually has a dpi of around 2000 so its allready 5 times more responsive. Actual response time, most mouses [even half of...
  13. Serius


    That girls cant ever win at anything?
  14. Serius

    Buying latest models of gaming mouse

    So i am looking to buy a new mouse, my logitech mx518 [arguably one of the best gaming mouses ever made] is nearly dead. Ive had it for a few years and its served me well but i am still a bit upset about it. I am thinking about the G5 2007 edition or the G9. Both these mouses are apparently...
  15. Serius

    'Bodies everywhere' as learner driver crashes on Melbourne's Princes Highway

    ok. 9 people was the most i have seen, we all fit into a camry.
  16. Serius

    NSW Pubs to be forced to close at 2am

    alcopop tax the pornproof firefence pubs closing at 2am recession this is fucked. i am starting to regret voting in labour. Wollongong has had a law where food establishments [except mcdonalds, dunno how they got past that one, probably bribary knowing our corrupt local government] cant be...
  17. Serius

    It's A Trap!

    Its probably something you should be disclosing... based simply on the trust factor you can easily justify breaking up with them.
  18. Serius

    where wld u go?

    I cant understand what you are trying to say. Maybe if you retried this thread in english you would get more responses.
  19. Serius

    Your Pc?

    Yeah i built something similiar for my mate a month ago. Infact it was almost exactly the same, we just got a different case and monitor[benq make good monitors, try looking into it]
  20. Serius

    Most ANNOYING things when Driving

    when people fucking beep at you thinking you did something wrong when THEY fucked up. e.g a wide, resedential 50zone road which is a main thoroughfair, i stick my right blinker on to pull into my mates driveway, i am off a bit to the left so i can make the turn but nothing major and this...