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  1. Serius

    Kissing = the new hello?

    yeah same...ive never done it on purpose, its more when two people go for the cheek kiss and make a whoopsie
  2. Serius

    do you regret losing your virginity

    I dont really think about it, i had fun, she had fun it was pretty great, but basically a non-event, special in only the fact that it was the first time... so i guess the answer is no.
  3. Serius

    How to deal with mean drunks

    yeah my housemate is best friends with this guy who for the longest time i had only ever met drunk. Basically the first time i saw him dancing like a fool, take his shirt off, grab at girls, and then try and fight me because i was standing with "his" friends. I basically laughed it off because...
  4. Serius

    Just Got Out of a Long Relationship & Now I Have Questions

    I should probably wait a while before writing this because ive just been doing a massive essay on somethign similiar and iam tired. but ill give u the general idea. Basically do what feels right. If your previous relationship, like the end of it was bad and emotionally draining you should give...
  5. Serius

    Friend Zone...

    its not a good start of a friendship to missrepresent yourself as not being interested and only wanting to be friends and then turning around a few months later "oh btw i have feelings for you" . The other thing is, in male-female friendships this shit comes up alot, at one stage there is a good...
  6. Serius

    Q's for the Gals

    1. Why do many seem to lack the ability to conceed defeat, like say a genuine sorry when you are wrong? is it only a male hardwired thing like "i am wrong, i should say appologise so he doesnt break my skull" and girls just dont get that or what? you know saying you were on your period is not...
  7. Serius

    Trouble with centrelink

    what a cop out. Its a city, there are plenty of jobs around if you just open your eyes. What you mean to say is there arent many jobs that you would be willing to do or that pay well enough for your standards.
  8. Serius

    the attractiveness scale 1-10, your thoughts?

    and thats why i dont much like the 1-10 scale tucker max's 5 star rating is much better, a bit less sujective and easier for all males to relate to
  9. Serius

    'Muslim Massacre' game causes uproar

    wheres the crime in making a game?
  10. Serius

    Crazy, Insane 18th Birthday - Equipment HIRING!!

    get low isnt really rave music, but yeah looks pretty good. My sister had a pretty nice 18th, had some decent lights going, a strobe, a bit of smoke and some lasers, it went really well, so if you are going to throw a party i would recommend getting some equipment, it can turn a great night into...
  11. Serius

    Sex club for 6 year olds

    damn where were all these sexed up young girls when i was in primary school?
  12. Serius

    RIP all those innocent victims who died post- 9/11

    i remember being a bit scared, dad was watching tv and a news banner came up, he flicked channels and couldnt beleive it, thought it must be a movie. He woke me up and we sat up all night watching the news. The words were never exchanged between us, but we were thinking this was it, world war...
  13. Serius

    'Muslim Massacre' game causes uproar

    You know nothing about genetics, for example psychopathy has a very large inherited element, mainly because it is a bit of an advantage in modern society so you are more likely to survive and pass your genes on. Psychopaths are implulsive and violent by so you see where i am...
  14. Serius

    Regarding relationships

    Its your fault for acting like a door mat and being used. Theres a way to do it properly, you can give advice, but dont give into unreasonable demands. Talk about their problems with them as you would any other male friend, but dont bend over backwards for them, if they start demanding shit then...
  15. Serius

    RTA - In the Mail: Running Reds?

    so basically this thread went nowhere...
  16. Serius

    Large Hadron Collider - Death Threats :D this is awesome, i am hoping they find something and its not some massive multi billion dollar waste of money that cant even be used for anything afterwards. also didnt they show something like this in terminator 3? and then...
  17. Serius

    Josef Fritzl, the Pole

    pretty bad, but still not as bad as the real deal. Makes me sick to think an australian would be capable of that.
  18. Serius

    food for brekkie

    reeces puffs. its CANDY FOR BREAKFAST. up and go is good too, its tasty and you can drink it in the car and it kind of takes away that tired, empty stomach feeling an stuff.
  19. Serius

    Are you getting into shape for summer?

    haha actually i have been. I am too unfit to go running and it would be all embarassing and sweaty and gross, so ive been doing weights at home, then some situps and if i am in the mood i skip for like 15mins [ been building up though, but thats a lot for me right now] I guess its not really...