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  1. housah0lic

    Is anyone doing Mexico City as their case study for mega cities?

    i'll give you all the info you need, ese
  2. housah0lic

    picking up girls- for the ladies

    i think it would be a good conversation starter
  3. housah0lic

    Why do asian girls love ABC guys but asian guys don't love ABC girls as much?

    lol yeah obviously you clearly stated that in your thread or whatever so i was just being silllyy i want to apologise but fuck lol can't
  4. housah0lic

    Is this wrong?

  5. housah0lic

    Arctic's 'Humbug?'

  6. housah0lic

    Arctic's 'Humbug?'

  7. housah0lic

    Favourite brand of shoes?

    those are pretty fucking hot
  8. housah0lic

    Do you still buy CDs?

    i did when dirt cheap cd's was still open
  9. housah0lic

    What type of jeans?

    everyone second person is going to be wearing them because they can be so freaking cool due to shopping at gp and, of course, the price. daymmm
  10. housah0lic

    What type of jeans?

    sorry count von choc beat you to it in the cake thread lol how fucking gay, ja. which gp was it?
  11. housah0lic

    Favourite Fringe

    well i have a normal side fringe but it grew out soo much it was time to decide whether i would need to cut it or just let it grow out. apparently i don't suit middle part so i went ahead and trimmed it and it looks fucking shit and i hate it. it's like a side fringe but very short and...
  12. housah0lic

    What have you eaten today?

    big bowl of all bran w full fat milk 2 sushi rolls cupcake
  13. housah0lic

    cant get on to main site??????

    omg thanks champ
  14. housah0lic


    i fucking love 2pac
  15. housah0lic

    What have you eaten today?

    wow been a while. since end of holiday i don't eat near as much bowl of fruity bix with shape milk regular norm burger meal nutella sanga bit of rice and chicken banana probably will eat a brownie now
  16. housah0lic

    What type of jeans?

    oh noes :(
  17. housah0lic

    Weet Bix... how do you eat them?

    4 weetbix and cold milk that's it