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  1. P

    CELLISTS Unite! (fine then.. Stringers unite.)

    Guitar is, without a doubt, the most overrated instrument in the entire music world. Also, one of my former best friends was a cellist. She went nutters after baring herself to Goetz at her final recital last year.
  2. P

    CELLISTS Unite! (fine then.. Stringers unite.)

    Cellists are evil.
  3. P

    Music Scoring/Composing Programs

    The Windows environment supports everything the Mac environment supports, and much more. While Finale is used at the Con in Music Technology, I find that most of the composers use Sibelius at home, as there are several advantages (including the ability to revise each other's scores, to create...
  4. P

    Conservatoriums - GENERAL: Entry, atmosphere, auditions etc.

    You'll need to do the music skills test and complete an audition for your chosen Chair of unit. This will comprise the overwhelming majority of your application, so I wouldn't worry too much about your WAM.
  5. P

    Union AGM 2006

    Re: Union AGM this wednesday it failed dramatically. 68 votes against, 28 votes in favour.
  6. P

    Union AGM 2006

    Re: Union AGM this wednesday What they didn't mention is that next to no votes were recorded at the Conservatorium booth, seeing as how they held it on the one day of the week where everybody's either at home or in rehearsals for the entire duration of the polling time. Wednesdays are also...
  7. P

    Union AGM 2006

    Re: Union AGM this wednesday I was completely joking about the pokies thing, but no - there is nothing about my policies I would change. If I DID change my policies, it would make me no better than the Labor or Liberal factions, willing to compromise their beliefs to win elections. When I...
  8. P

    Union AGM 2006

    Re: Union AGM this wednesday Ever since my first election, we have been saving up to run a HUGE campaign for SRC president this year. Unfortunately, we lost all the proceeds on the pokies. This statement was completely Not true - we never had the money to begin with.
  9. P

    Composer Roll Call! Liven Up This Sub-Forum!

    Course: University - B Arts and B MusStudies (formerly B Mus (Comp)), fourth year. Composition Period: Contemporary Classical How Far into the Process are you? Early What are you writing? Piano Concerto What are you thoughts? It still sounds like a Rachmaninov ripoff.
  10. P

    Union AGM 2006

    Re: Union AGM this wednesday I hate the idea of a popularly-elected president, purely because the Presidency would be decided on the basis of who has the biggest (read: most expensive) campaign, just like SRC. That's why Labor Left wins elections. They have the most money.
  11. P

    Union Board Elections 2006

    Re: Union Board Elections 2006 - UPDATED 26/4 7.5% of eligible students voted. That's actually pretty impressive.
  12. P

    Union Board Elections 2006

    Re: Union Board Elections 2006 - UPDATED 26/4 You mean, she's pretty and guys vote for pretty people. I remember back in first year, all my classmates would look through the election guides (which the Con no longer gets, coincidentally), and pick out the hottest candidates to vote for...
  13. P

    Union Board Elections 2006

    Re: Union Board Elections 2006 - UPDATED 26/4 I can't Afford to join. Unless they do what I've been suggesting for four years and reduce the fee to $50, I won't be.
  14. P

    Union Board Elections 2006

    Re: Union Board Elections 2006 - UPDATED 26/4 Hey, it's true. The overall rate of membership in 2007 will be 15%, but the overwhelming majority of that 15% will come from first year students. Those of us who have been at Uni for at least a year know that the Union is all talk, and that their...
  15. P


    I'd say most of those choices are a bit easy, especially for AMusA level. My suggestion is to work on those, but also to work on something a lot harder. That way, you continue to develop your technical skills - something which is essential for good piano.
  16. P

    Union Board Elections 2006

    Re: Union Board Elections 2006 - UPDATED 26/4 The thousands of full colour election guides... Actually, if anything the elections reinforce to students that the Union (supposedly) represents them. It's the only way most students really get a say about the Union (and most students don't take...
  17. P

    Union Board Elections 2006

    Firstly, I don't think the Union will die in the 3-30 years it will take the Labor party to repeal VSU, as they almost certainly will if they gain a majority government. Several reasons for this. While students pay over $1 million directly in fees to the Union (a source of revenue that will drop...
  18. P

    Union Board Elections 2006

    Re: Union Board Elections 2006 - UPDATED 26/4 I sure as hell couldn't count on the Con vote, because if only 10% of Con students could even be assed to get the Access card, then I sure as hell aren't going to get that many people voting for me there. It was stupid and arrogant to assume that...
  19. P

    Union Board Elections 2006

    Re: Union Board Elections 2006 are ON TODAY A left wing union. Fantastic. More fucking protests. It wasn't a complete failure though. Yesterday afternoon, I met a rather large number of students who stood opposed to Falun Gong, and recruited them into the ISA. All in all, 900+ students read...