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  1. flipsyde

    So I feel like a bit of a bitch

    I wouldnt go out on a date the next day but if he called and asked for the next day I would say I cant but lets make it a few days later when I'm not busy. It doesnt seem desperate, but I wouldnt... although I sorta did with a guy hehe, and we've been dating for 10months now. But he had to...
  2. flipsyde

    Do you answer to anyone?

    Im with you there skeet... Most guys are genuily sorry or want forgivness or want to make things right, unfortunately they're just to stupid to work out what they did wrong. I mean I like to let them try and work it out, but if they can't Ill tell them. I never have used that line. I genuinly...
  3. flipsyde

    I've figured it out

    Its because you post on here, and because you think youre awesome, and you leave weird drool stuff on pillows in lengy, duckie and my hotel room at meats, and you sing Justin Timberlake.
  4. flipsyde

    My Mother and her Alcoholism

    I think in the end (in time) she would frogive you. Because if her children were temporarily taken away from her and she had time to sober up and get help, she would eventually be abel to look back on what she did and then she would possibly be thankful that you helped her through it. thats...
  5. flipsyde

    Responding to telemarketers

    I shortened this convo...but you get the idea Telemarketer (Indian): hello how are you? I am ringing you today to offer you- Me: No sorry I'm not interested Telemarketer: But I'm offering you- Me: No sorry. Telemarketer: But- Me: I bet you're not even from Australia...
  6. flipsyde

    tafe portfolio's ??

    A portfolio is basically a collection of your works. You provide the finished prouct in it and sometimes 3 or 4 sketches to back it up... as well as a brief. But they dont want to see w hole bunch of diary entries or sketches to go with it. Bring that stuff for sure, and make sure it looks...
  7. flipsyde

    does hair removal cream work?

    Im allergic to it lol... stupid skin.. Im also allergic to all waxes.. Im stuck shaving lol
  8. flipsyde

    Photoshop CS3 BETA

    photoshop 4tmfw! Although it is a BETA version so... Id wait before cheering haha I still love my CS2 haha!
  9. flipsyde

    Help Me I'm Computer Illiterate and Just Wanna Play Games Again

    " HP compaq EVO 800V " thats the problem right there. I had one of those back in the day and everything went wrong with it haha. My advice would be to buy an external cd/dvd player. They are a lot cheaper, the only thing is that you have to carry it around with you all the time. I still have...
  10. flipsyde

    Father vs son common relationships

    What's wrong with $50? money is a cool present. My parents go on holidays everytime I have a birthday, they're never there for it. So like... at least he was there for it. I dont mind that theyre not there. Means I can do what I like. They usually go\ive me money in which I use for...
  11. flipsyde

    WHERE did you lose your virginity?

    Agreed. I'm 20, and still a virgin by choice. So is my bf (22),he, like me, is waiting for love. you can call him whatever you want, but I think that its great, esp cos I know hes not in the relationship for sex. We're notsaying marriage, we're saying love. 17 isnt ancient
  12. flipsyde

    Father vs son common relationships

    I get that to. When I said that my dad can be irrational, thats one of the examples. Theres no need to explode over things. My dad will yell at me for something he could have just spoken to me about and gotten the same result, without me cursing him behind his back afterwards.
  13. flipsyde

    Father vs son common relationships

    My dad and I get along somewhat. But sometimes he's very unrationale with things and goes over the top when hes angry (not just at me, at anyone). A lot of the times he's fair but there are times when he's not very fair at all. In general, I like the way he stays out of my life, but steps...
  14. flipsyde


    is that rhetorical?
  15. flipsyde

    Ethical dilemma regarding fathers right to abortion

    First of all, if you're not prepared to deal with the conciquences of having sex, then you shouldn't be having it. Secondly, the man has no right to threaten a woman like that and/or force her to have an abortion by offering an altermotive (ethically). I don't think it fair that the man...
  16. flipsyde


    forgive my ignorance but what do you do at/on/in (Im sorry lol) eid?
  17. flipsyde


    I'm talking maily to SM10 because its in relation to the video but also to those people out there who believe every word that they hear in the bible. I am not a christian. I was a christain for 13 years, my whole family is christian (SoI still celebrate Christmas etc etc). I have also...
  18. flipsyde

    drummer wanted

    is this the right section for it? Anyway my friends band is looking for a drummer for their rock/metal band 'stendhal syndrome' male or female it doesn't matter as long as you can have fun, be creative and get along with the band location: Caringbah (currently 2 males bassist/vocalist...
  19. flipsyde

    guitaring question

    hey all, I have sort of a 2 part question here so I hope you can bear with me. q1- I've just started learning electric guitar and I've been mucking around with tabs and chords and a few scales. I think I'm ready to start learning a song. The problem is I dont know what a good song to first...