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  1. flipsyde


    the highest scoring word Ive made was 'decoder'. I used to be really good at scrabble, but my current bf kicks my butt everytime.
  2. flipsyde

    what's he hiding?

    nah I dotn mind it hehe... ask alby or virtual circuit even jhakka or serius or kami... they know I dont care lol
  3. flipsyde

    what's he hiding?

    Thats the thing, when he said I was clingy...its not in my nature to be clingy. when he said it I was like huh? cos I dont do that. As far as looking at boobs goes, hes a guy, hes gonna do it either way. I'd rather know thathes doing it than do it behind my back. Besidaes I look at other...
  4. flipsyde

    what's he hiding?

    bahaha. that actually wouldnt bother me, he knows that! (esp if they were Mandas tits;))Also serius, he meakes threesome jokes all the time so it wouldnt have been that. But thanks anyway :) As for PDA, he doesnt mind as long as its not kissing. I understand that, its cool ya. Im not big on...
  5. flipsyde

    Have you ever lied to your partner?

    Wow man! so true! Im soooo honest with my partner. Because only the strongest relationships are built on trust. So I dont lie to him. Unless its for something thats a surprise like "my computers broken, can you come and fix it" and Ive really just made a special dinner for us or something...
  6. flipsyde

    Some things you just can't tell.

    I tell my BF everything, and I've never lied to him. The only thing I was scared of telling him was when we'd been going out for just a month, I was at a friends house (a guy friend) and there was about 8 of us drinking. I was supposed to sleep on the couch, but one of the guys passed out on the...
  7. flipsyde

    what's he hiding?

    wtf? lol my babies?....when did that happen?...oh god how long was I drunk for? haha
  8. flipsyde

    what's he hiding?

    This is kinda a long story, so please bear with me I really need your help. For the people who were at the meet, you may have spotted me with my bf. Anyway for a while we were having a lot of trouble within our relationship, just arguing etc etc. It got to the point where I said to him "I...
  9. flipsyde

    P-Plate Restrictions

    It's something both you and I are sick of hearing about, but nonetheless the issue is there and we can't ignore it. It really grinds my gears to think that if new laws are passed then I won't be able to drive my friends home when we go drinking. I have absolutly NO problem having now drinks...
  10. flipsyde

    writing your own book...?

    Yeah I thought about writing a novel.. I kinda started it just before the HSC... just writing and not knowing where it was going. But then I had the hsc and now uni... I have no time to write it, Im thinking once I stop studying all together. I'd like to write one before I die at leat. Even if...
  11. flipsyde


    nope.. Im agnostic, used to be athiest. I worship nothing and no one
  12. flipsyde

    what constitutes cheating?

    I agree with Loz here on both accounts..learn to spell, and I dont care if its a platonic peck. Like Loz I dont go around kissing my friends on the lips, but if they wanted a peck then meh... same with him. With my bf his best friend is a chick (and mines a guy), they grew up together. She loves...
  13. flipsyde

    Prison Break (For people following US tv)

    Maybe Haywire comes in later, unextpectantly... maybe hes the one that ends up getting away with all the money.. who knows? Im kind of getting annoyed at how EVERYTHING goes wrong. I dont mind so much waiting for the storyline to move along week by week, because its moving quicker than last...
  14. flipsyde

    what constitutes cheating?

    Once it breaks the emotional barrier of 'more than a friend' it constitutes as cheating. If my bf hugs another chick (i.e. a friend, or even if we're out and meet people that night that we have become friends with) I dont have a probelm with that.. I hug my guy friends all the time.. A kiss on...
  15. flipsyde

    would you change 4 someone else?

    see thats bad, even if I thought my partners music was 'weird' I wouldnt care...opposites attract right? Out there is better than conservative because youre not afraid to have fun, my bf is a bit of both, Id say more conservative than anything else. But he loves my out-goingness, and its good to...
  16. flipsyde

    "Guitaring" ..

    I've just started learning guitar... I tried learning years ao, but the HSC made me stop. I have both an acousitc and an electric, I use the electric at the moment becasue its easier on my fingers and my hand. The acoustic I have is thick-necked, and so its harder for me to get the shapes...
  17. flipsyde

    Biggest Distraction!!

    MSN and BoS lol stupid distractions lol.
  18. flipsyde

    Duke of Edinburgh's Award

    I've done it! I recommend it ITSTOTALLY WORTH IT!!! I have my Gold. I started at Bronze and it wasnt much extra on what I already did. I already played a sport and worked as a volunteer at Taronga Zoo. For my rec activity I went on the Young Endevour (y). The only thing I really did...
  19. flipsyde

    Do girls want it as much as guys? putting it simply...

    I guess thats true in itself to. I cant really speak from experience or anything. I have heard it a matter of 'once you pop you cant stop' as well. But I also believe that this could be true, on hearing other peoples opinons (not just on here but in real life).
  20. flipsyde

    What I am doing/wearing today

    I'm currently doing my internship for my degree...stupid internship.. at the moment I've got nothing to do. I cant go on MSN cos if I get caught Ill get a a bad report for my internship and I dont want to risk that. So I'm bouncing around on bored waiting for something to do and looking over my...