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  1. P

    Racism in Australia

    "Under One Roof" should be on prime time television here in Australia. It would address two problems, the first being that Asians don't exist in television land, and the second giving Australian society an understanding of the way Singapore works.
  2. P

    Adagio sostenuto? AMEB

    The first movement of the Moonlight may be easy - but it's hard to play Well.
  3. P

    Subjects for Music People

    They're people who do HSC subjects in Prelim year. One of my classmates came second in the 2001 HSC Chemistry course while she was in Prelim year, and she went on to take Second in SDD and First in Physics in 2002.
  4. P

    Racism in Australia

    I'm far too involved in politics for my own good, so I've met a lot of people who whinge about discrimination. Problem is, they look for discrimination where it doesn't exist. Women who think they're disadvantaged because they don't have dicks. Gay-identifying people who think they're...
  5. P

    Abortion debate

    Jesus can go fuck himself.
  6. P

    Abortion debate

    Morally, a vasectomy/tubal litigation is the right approach. The most important issue to consider is that the unborn child is STILL A LIVING BEING with the potential of developing sentience. None of what I've said is about stopping people from having the abortions, but rather from stopping...
  7. P

    Abortion debate

    They know not to get themselves pregnant.
  8. P

    Does China need Wall Street for capital anymore?

    You'd be surprised to find out just how much of America China owns...
  9. P

    piano teaching

    CMusA was the highest level in the Piano for Leisure course. It's a recreational qualification that recognises that a pianist can play beyond 8th grade level, without the broader academic study required of a professional level pianist, and is no longer offered by the AMEB. The AMusA is the...
  10. P

    Abortion debate

    Maybe Pregnancy should be prescription only. If they're in a position where they are actually considering a coathanger, then they are almost certainly not in a position to have gotten pregnant in the first place. Making the abortion drug available over-the-counter might put an end to...
  11. P

    Abortion debate

    If it were only available by prescription then it would be most beneficial. The implications for health are significant (I won't say it's a "benefit", since abortion Does involve the termination of Life), reducing risk to the Mother. But it should only be available upon a prescription by a...
  12. P

    Australian Idol 2005

    One could say that anybody on Idol was a billion times better than Whitney Houston. Of course, a billion x zero still equals zero. Australian Idol = Evil. It corrupts minds, and destroys the credibility of the REAL musicians working hard in our Conservatoriums studying and respecting the artform.
  13. P

    Professional Composition Tuition - Greenway Music

    I'm offering composition tuition in the Western Sydney area, suitable for HSC-level Composition and Music skills assessments. Many students underestimate the value of good compositional and theoretical grounding. Especially useful for students in the Music 2 and Music Extension courses. $35...
  14. P

    Student Card and Exams

    Replacement student cards have been plastic for years, though. They're expensive.
  15. P

    Student Card and Exams

    They've been promising us plastic student cards for years. My guess is that they'll introduce them in 2009.
  16. P

    Abortion debate

    But it's not Just their own body anymore. For all intents and purposes, abortion deals with three lives. The father, the mother, and (most importantly) the child. Pro-lifers don't encourage the right to life because they want to "oppress" women or something like that. They encourage the right to...
  17. P

    Compostition or performance?

    Composition relies far less on how well you feel on performance day. Personally, I think Composition is a lot less subjective, and I think it's easier to get good marks here than in performance. But that's just my opinion.
  18. P

    Basic Thoughts & Opinions on Music 1

    I've never played percussion, but I wrote a really really cool piece for two vibraphones and a marimba that still nees to be premiered.
  19. P

    Harmonic features - Music 2

    Harmonic features are, off the top of my head, things like (but not limited to) Overall Form - Binary, Ternary, Sonata etc. Relationships between movements (including keys). Things like harmonic progressions, sequences, cadences - and the more specific the better. Tonal structures (atonality...
  20. P

    Omg Read!

    I don't "stalk" people. Except once. And it wasn't your friend.