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  1. P

    Anti-Male Discrimination on Flights

    I guess I should say something to the effect of "This is so typical of you people, trivialising men's issues like they've of no concern." But it's so true. In some countries (especially Asian countries), underwear can be opened down the front so you unzip, unbutton, and don't have to take your...
  2. P

    Anti-Male Discrimination on Flights

    It's just one example of many, of discrimination against men in our society. Discrimination against women is ILLEGAL (as in, enshrined in law), but not so against men. There is no legal basis for a male to claim discrimination on the basis of gender.
  3. P

    Anti-Male Discrimination on Flights

    Oh, that's ridiculous. Men are no more or less capable of self-restraint than women. A man seated next to an unaccompanied child is NO MORE DANGEROUS than a woman in the same position, and anybody who suggests otherwise is full of shit.
  4. P

    anyone pursuing a career in the music industry?

    Yes. Stop being jealous, just because studying at SCM is a privilege you'll never be good enough to get.
  5. P

    Update me on VSU

    I'm more concerned about the sorts of sports activities that Are subsidised require students to be on campus to take advantage of them. If you want to subsidise sports, then gym discounts, pool passes etc. would be far more beneficial than (again) elite sports teams. Same with any other number...
  6. P

    Update me on VSU

    I'm arguing that the spending priorities of the Union are completely wrong. The SRC and the Union already provide (extremely limited) access to materials on health issues, but I believe that this could go further. Liaison with organisations such as the Men's Health Information and Resource...
  7. P

    Update me on VSU

    ISA policy is that we oppose VSU as an ideology, but that it's better than forcing students to give up a fortnight's wages. It's a great position, but my personal grudge with Unionism stems from the fact that we pay $144 towards sports, but only about $2-3 towards Music. At the Conservatorium...
  8. P

    Update me on VSU

    I would argue that while it's essential that a thriving student community be maintained, that (in the case of USYD and other larger universities) demanding contributions of up to $590 or totals approaching that is FAR too much to demand of students. Our representatives talk of the positive...
  9. P

    Abortion debate

    Marriage wasn't always about love. Some would say it isn't even about love now, but I choose to be a bit more optimistic. It was more about security in more primitive societies. A contract between a man (the provider) and the woman (the nurturer). The man's responsibility was to provide for the...
  10. P

    Abortion debate

    I remember Historical and Cultural Studies 2. My views divided my class on certain topics, but that might have something to do with the fact that half my class were the Christian nutjobs, and the other half were the bohemian nutjobs.
  11. P

    Abortion debate

    More specifically, I'm saying if there Is an unintended pregnancy, then the best time for it is in marriage, where the child will be given the security and stability it needs to develop into a happy and healthy member of our society.
  12. P

    Abortion debate

    Western society has promoted for two thousand years the idea that sex before marriage is a sin. They were on the right track, because parents who Don't have the economic and social stability to provide for their children should not be having children. Marriage is the best guarantee we have...
  13. P

    anyone pursuing a career in the music industry?

    There are far too many "bad" musicians out there who are successful to say that only the 'good" make heaps. Bad "musicians" spread their legs, get on Neighbours and propagate bad music throughout the world. Good musicians are relegated to teaching at schools like the Sydney Conservatorium and...
  14. P

    Abortion debate

    If you don't want children, then don't go around doing things that could create children. My stance regarding the rape victim you raise is clear. The 9 year old should never have been placed in a situation where they (or more specifically, the parents who have duty of care over the child)...
  15. P

    Abortion debate

    There is a difference between a cow and a unborn foetus - the main one being that the unborn foetus is a Sentient Human Life.
  16. P

    Abortion debate

    I don't care what the law says on this issue. What I care about is that a life capable of becoming SENTIENT is being killed. It's not about oppressing women or anything like that, because I am well and truly of the belief that both parents must take Equal responsibility. It's about protecting LIFE.
  17. P

    Abortion debate

    I believe in people taking responsibility for their actions. My beliefs regarding abortion are not religious in nature (I am an Atheist), but rather they stem from a belief that people do not, or will not recognise that every action has a set of consequences. I am not as much opposed to...
  18. P

    optus cable - new plans?? 'sprint'

    It's rather annoying that the only options are either to drop to 7GB or up to 20GB from 12. The 12GB plan is the most popular, as far as I know. So bah.
  19. P

    Do you see yourself marrying outside your race?

    I doubt I'll marry Chinese. Marrying a Chinese would be like marrying my own sister, since we all look alike...
  20. P

    Racism in Australia

    Of course white people get shit from non-whites too. Some of the so-called "Disadvantaged" minorities think it's their responsibility to insult others, in retaliation for perceived discriminiation/disadvantage etc. In Australian society, nobody is disadvantaged because of their race. They...