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  1. goan_crazy

    Law Orientation Camp 2007 FAQ

    Its fine You make friends there... thats what its for There were some BoS people through this thread I made last year it turned out there was also a girl from my primary school who i hadn't seen for 6 years... that was cool :) there are even people there who you don't even get around to...
  2. goan_crazy

    UTS - A Quick Guide

    Is this the student marketing interview? :p i've got that on friday :) Good luck! :D
  3. goan_crazy

    Principal dates for 2007

    Principal dates for 2007 January 1 New Year's Day – public holiday 2 Provisional examination timetable available for Summer session 2 Summer session classes recommence (to 2 February) 3 Preliminary round UAC undergraduate offers e-released 3 UTS Advisory Day, City campus, Broadway (9...
  4. goan_crazy

    First Year IT Camp 2007

    But this is the camp thread the Secks thread is for spam.
  5. goan_crazy

    Epic movie

    Seeing it tonight so I will give my review afterwards I hope its worth the $9.50 :rofl:
  6. goan_crazy

    First Year IT Camp 2007

    The 06ers of UTS are spammers :p oh well, at least they are livening up this forum.
  7. goan_crazy

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and Welcome the New Students' Thread thanks I'll check it out I'll go for it next week sometime after my accounting exam ;)
  8. goan_crazy

    How does one go about acquiring a UTS student number?

    Call up UTS Student Info Centre they will give you your student number.
  9. goan_crazy

    First Year IT Camp 2007

    6:1 ratio guy to girl :|
  10. goan_crazy

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and Welcome the New Students' Thread I really should go for my green Ps too what is there to read for it though?! :o post the links here Huratio! i just thought it was just a test where u have to press the screen when you're meant to lol i haven't booked yet but i...
  11. goan_crazy

    First Year IT Camp 2007

    We'll see won't we. How many people have registered/paid for IT camp so far?
  12. goan_crazy

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and Welcome the New Students' Thread I know and Allistar you should be working as your're at work
  13. goan_crazy

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and Welcome the New Students' Thread Glad to see the spam is where it is meant to be and not in the quiz thread finally you people listened to me and thanks Jason for finally doing the quiz :p I knew you would eventually :p :)
  14. goan_crazy

    Law textbooks

    Re: legal text books I still need to get a legal dictionary but I have only done two law subjects so far so haven't really needed it No you aren't really compomising your studies if you don't do further readings you can still achieve high by reading the prescribed ones and studying...
  15. goan_crazy

    Law textbooks

    Re: legal text books Law is alot of reading Read the prescribed ones only refer to the recommended ones/further reading if you need more depth on something but otherwise the precribed is fine if you try and read everything you may find yourself overloaded but defintely I suggest...
  16. goan_crazy

    Semester 1: 2007 Buying & Selling Books Thread

    Yeah thanks at the moment though only UTS Kuringai is there :o no City :(
  17. goan_crazy

    Back To School!

    I'm so excited no back to school for me though my summer school exam is on next tuesday :( but then after that uni semester only commences towards the end of feb have fun at school everyone
  18. goan_crazy

    What have you eaten today?

    crunchy nut corn flakes and milk glass of milk with milo chocolate fudge bar 2L bottle of fanta packet of gummi bears potato waffles nectarine grapes
  19. goan_crazy

    First Year IT Camp 2007

    IT camp leaders wore yellow shirts? i dunno law camp leaders wear whatever i think i so hope im going!
  20. goan_crazy

    First Year IT Camp 2007

    Lucky IT camp people get back on valentines day we leave on valentines day But the law people will be giving/getting more action i'm sure ;)