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  1. goan_crazy

    The Simpsons Movie

    Unfortunately mum hates the simpsons she doesn't like going to the movies in general shes one of those people that falls alseep in movies :sleep: i'll just see it the following tues on the 31st ;) and i'll get it cheap too :D
  2. goan_crazy

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: Getting to know you-(for UTSers only) :p Of course I'm right :) next post in here I expect to see someone doing the quiz everything else should be in the secks thread thats what it is there for ;) so bump that up, I'm sure its feeling bad getting no action, because this thread has...
  3. goan_crazy

    The Simpsons Movie

    thats my mums birthday so i'm definitely not seeing it on opening night :rofl:
  4. goan_crazy

    Epic movie

    Definitely go and see Apocalypto its worth it Hmm Epic movie only goes for 1hr 32min. That is short :(
  5. goan_crazy

    Semester 1: 2007 Buying & Selling Books Thread

    Yeah Textbook Exchange is awesome! I realised I started this thread heaps early we haven't even been told what books we need yet :rofl:
  6. goan_crazy

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: Getting to know you-(for UTSers only) :p Thanks Bec I knew u would eventually :) OMG some random just added me on myspace their myspace song is so funny remember Hollaback girl-Gwen Stefani this soing is called swallow that it may be old...
  7. goan_crazy

    Laptops and uni.

    I guess edit does explain it much better thanks joolee :D
  8. goan_crazy

    Laptops and uni.

    and are easier to edit :)
  9. goan_crazy

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: Getting to know you-(for UTSers only) :p Ok guys now back to doing the quiz Spam in the Secks Thread
  10. goan_crazy

    Laptops and uni.

    I find laptops easier I type my notes anyway so if i wrote them, it would be double effort retyping what i wrote plus theres the chance of me not being able to read what i wrote too :p And I agree, recording lectures is a waste just try and listen the first time :p
  11. goan_crazy

    Summer School Final Exam Timetable and Rooms

    Yeah...Frank Potelli thats him! thanks for the wishes i need it still haven't started studying :bomb:
  12. goan_crazy

    Law Orientation Camp 2007 FAQ

    Ok so who is going? Anyone booked yet? :p
  13. goan_crazy

    the OC

    Only 4 more episodes for US 6 more episodes for Aus including tuesdays :p
  14. goan_crazy

    Epic movie

    What great reviews =/ Oh well I'm seeing this on tues my partner has already booked tickets :o
  15. goan_crazy

    The Simpsons Movie

    It doesn't come out for a while though July i think.
  16. goan_crazy

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: Getting to know you-(for UTSers only) :p Because you're not famous like me ;)
  17. goan_crazy

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: Getting to know you-(for UTSers only) :p Hey just because you've left UTS to go to UNSW like everyone else doesn't make you superior :mad1: I'm committed to UTS. therefore Joe is > Julie. I win :)
  18. goan_crazy

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: Getting to know you-(for UTSers only) :p Yes i know its meant for gamers...thats why i'm trying to stay away ;) but i have to say this love tops it :) joe > pure pwnage :D
  19. goan_crazy

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: Getting to know you-(for UTSers only) :p I've never been to that pure pwnage site I'm not about to i've got enough distractions as it is MSN this MYSPACE Love. < 3 is so distracting :o
  20. goan_crazy

    Which is the best uni for business/commerce/economics?

    Re: which uni for the best for business and commerce? UNSW is meant to be the best UTS is pretty good i think.