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  1. goan_crazy

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: Getting to know you-(for UTSers only) :p :) Thanks Nick I've added a new question now myspace :P Didn't put msn though.
  2. goan_crazy

    the OC

    Wow no one posted in here for a while I just watched episode 12 lots of shocks there do not read this spoiler if u dont wanna find out. Who gets proposed to? and whos her secret lover Who's Pregnant?! pretty good episode but its making me wonder how they are going to wrap...
  3. goan_crazy

    New Student ID Cards

    Thats what's bad about how they are just giving a new card I wish we could have all just taken a new photo sometime this year and then got the new card of that for some of us this has to last 3 or 4 more years :(
  4. goan_crazy

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: Getting to know you-(for UTSers only) :p Yes thats what i know Wendy best by :) That was disturbing :| I knew it was a troll!
  5. goan_crazy

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: Getting to know you-(for UTSers only) :p See this quiz is getting to know stuff about people! I know someone from your school shes in my course Wendy Luu did you know her? grade above you.
  6. goan_crazy

    Law degree workload

    84 and 83 are worse :( Got one of those first semester and the other last semester
  7. goan_crazy

    Night Classes

    Yeah its a shame they don't and some full time people even enroll in the night classes 2... I don't though I only choose the day classes.
  8. goan_crazy

    Getting to know you (for UTSers only) (Quiz Answers Only)

    ATTENTION ALL, PLEASE DO NOT SPAM IN THIS THREAD, THIS THREAD IS FOR QUIZ ANSWERS ONLY Spam in the Secks Thread. Note: All non-quiz answers will be deleted and NOT be moved anymore. I stole this from the mac forum :p and adapted it 2 UTS ;) well the person that created it stole it from...
  9. goan_crazy

    New Macquarians - Introduce Yourselves

    Gonna miss this bloke.. Macq take good care of Ben ;)
  10. goan_crazy

    Law degree workload

    Yeah they are... At most unis it is: its P: 50-64 C: 65-74 D: 75-84 HD: 85-100
  11. goan_crazy

    Law camp @ Macq

    If macq is having one, they're prob organising it now UTS have info on their site about their law camp now I went last year this year i've applied to be a law camp leader :D
  12. goan_crazy

    New Student ID Cards

    I think they mean people working full time and studying part time.
  13. goan_crazy

    BoS UTS Rollcall! Wooot!

    Aw, then your name will be put there and removed once semester begins? :bomb:
  14. goan_crazy

    Epic movie

    Anyone who has seen it, what did u think of it? It came out today.
  15. goan_crazy

    part time study

    Dean what course did u get into, and did u get a cadetship or something?
  16. goan_crazy

    BoS UTS Rollcall! Wooot!

    Yeah they say law is better at UNSW but I'm really happy at UTS I dunno, they asked me to go against the outline and do criminal law last semester but i just went along with the guide and did marketing but there were 4 that didn't do crim that transferred oh well, people leaving means...
  17. goan_crazy

    BoS UTS Rollcall! Wooot!

    lol about 9 of my friends from law transferred to unsw :(
  18. goan_crazy

    ONESTOPADMIN ==> What Is Ver And Att ????

    Alby got it right first! :D i was half right thanks iambored I guess we all learnt something new :p
  19. goan_crazy

    BoS UTS Rollcall! Wooot!

    You sounded pretty excited about it though I'm so over uni already Summer school final exam on feb 6 so feb 7 - when autumn sem starts is my proper holidays
  20. goan_crazy

    New Student ID Cards

    they don't you have to renew it... i ticked the "Extension box".