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  1. flipsyde

    Your partner + a celebrity = ?

    I wouldnt let them
  2. flipsyde

    Black Hawk Down

    agreed .
  3. flipsyde

    Black Hawk Down

    I was like :eek: when I saw that kid shoot his fatehr when that soldier slipped out of that window... I mean Ive seen the movie before (its overrated but there was nothing on) but I forgot that part
  4. flipsyde

    Rolling Stones 100 Greatest Guitarists

    slash and dimebag yes but I dont like the rest.. whats wrong with cobain at 12?
  5. flipsyde

    What are you attracted to?

    well... changing oneself just for the girl can be foolish.. I have the tendancy to see through people so yeah....
  6. flipsyde

    What are you attracted to?

    yeah.. like if some unattractive dude comes up to me and I havent seen him.. like if Im sittin down at a party havign a break from dancing etc and this guy comes outta nowhere and sits beside me and starts chattin me up.. he has the same possibilty of getting me as does someone who is hot. As...
  7. flipsyde

    What are you attracted to?

    Personality for me... I mean good looks are always good but its not something that would turn me off a guy. If I like his personality then great...of he looks good then thats even better but it doesnt really matter as long as they make the effort to look good.. eg, hygene wise like they have...
  8. flipsyde

    URGENT: Worm: W32.Bropia 14/02/05

    I accepted the file then asked them what is was...luckily I didnt open it and I just deleted it and removed it from the trash...phew My pute has shown none of the symptoms...unless I cant tell if Im sending them the files.. but I havent had any complaints. Ad Aware is awsome!
  9. flipsyde

    Do you see yourself getting married?

    lol.. kiddies for me IF I did end up gettin married there would DEFINATELY be no kids!.... maybe adopted but their aint no way Im gettin preggers
  10. flipsyde

    The X Factor

    and kate is young (compared) and she'll relate better to younger people
  11. flipsyde

    major marks?

    I wish I know as well lol... when you find out plz let meknow. But I dont think we really ever get to know... Im happy with my marks all up anyhow. But yeah if you find out let me know.
  12. flipsyde

    Do you see yourself getting married?

    I dont see me gettign married.... but hey you nver know.. but I eally dont see it I hate commitment lol
  13. flipsyde

    BoredofStudies NRL Tipping Comp 2005

    this involves paying money over the net doesnt it? Nah I dont pay money online... damn I wanted to be in
  14. flipsyde

    The X Factor

    I reackon that group of 4 sisters was good and then they said onyl that one girl should go try out on her own and then she did and she sang well and they said no and yet some other dude or chick with no talent gets in. I liked that dude form the bush that sang acdc .. its a long way to the...
  15. flipsyde

    Movie: Hide and Seek (SPOILERS)

    Im thinking of everyone else who hasnt seen it :rolleyes:
  16. flipsyde

    Movie: Hide and Seek (SPOILERS)

    Lucky I've already seen it. Nice work! Use spoilers
  17. flipsyde

    Metallica Fans

    I like old metallica.. I want enter sandman played at my funeral when thy carry the coffin out. *Sigh* they need to bring the old stuff back.
  18. flipsyde

    BOS Online Tshirt Shop!

    Id buy one but I dont order things online... grrrr!
  19. flipsyde


    awww I didnt get to be a benefactor :(
  20. flipsyde

    Opeth fans?

    I like Opeth, although I havent heard much of their music, nor can I find it anywhere.