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  1. flipsyde

    Movie: Hide and Seek (SPOILERS)

    agreed .
  2. flipsyde

    Monty Python (merged)

    you know what Im annoyed about ... I cant say "Nobody expects a spanish inquisition" so everytime I wanna use it I can't cos it comes out funny and no matter how hard I practice I just cant
  3. flipsyde

    Movie: Hide and Seek (SPOILERS)

    I saw it today...It was unlike any other thriller Ive seen. Kinda predictable in some cases though... but all up it was worth seeing. I wish it were scarier but i LOVED the twist I was like :eek:. I agree also although the ending was left open for a sequel i agree that there shuddnt be one...
  4. flipsyde


    lol .
  5. flipsyde


    If we apply to be a benefactor when do we find out? I know we get bolded if we are approved but how long before we know? I hate waiting lol....
  6. flipsyde

    Our Next Queen

    whens the next refferendum?
  7. flipsyde

    Our Next Queen

    yeah isnt it u have to be their religion, not married previously and be abl;e to bear children... not that they need children *shudders* If she were married b4 she could have had the marriage annuled meaning it had never really happened.. so yeah she could marry again
  8. flipsyde

    friends' sex life

    I dont mind.. my friends talk about the things they do all the time... its fine with me
  9. flipsyde

    Our Next Queen

    dear god no! thats the day they suspect Cobain was murdered.... NOOOOOOO not that day
  10. flipsyde

    Silly Question

    router.. thast the one thankie.. I have an inbuilt router.. thankie I feel so silly....:p
  11. flipsyde

    Silly Question

    Hey all I was just wondering.. Im gonna get my laptop set to but wireless... I currently have DSL via cable... I also have a desktop.. the desktop has the modem and the laptop is conected via cable.... I knwo this is a silly question but Ive forgotten the name of the thing I have to by to get...
  12. flipsyde

    irp survey

    Q1. I believe that God: Does not exist Q2. I think prayer is: 3. Worthless Q3. I think that following life: 2. There is reincarnation or some other condition Q4. If I had to categorize my own religious and spiritual beliefs, I would say they are: 2. Agnostic, or hold no...
  13. flipsyde

    soooo frustrated!!!!!

    lol well done
  14. flipsyde

    soooo frustrated!!!!!

    heh that happened with my SOR book I lost it on the secnd day but Im sure someone stole it cos I had it with me the class before discovering it was gone... at the end of yr 12 when we had to return books I found someone elses book and waited till he end to see if anyone climd it and like siad...
  15. flipsyde

    A Simple Plan, it's official.

    I wanna kick them in the shins also.. I remeber that quote.... grrr :mad:
  16. flipsyde


    I tutor at the moment.. Umm only one student but Id like a few more... I dont want a lot cos I dont wanna effect my own studies.. this way I can get a job and work the hours that I want.. and I can only afford maybe 5-6hrs a week and no job wants to hir someone for those hours. Ive also had a...
  17. flipsyde

    Anybody write their OWN lyrics/songs?

    Here's another one of my pieces Porcelaina The awkward silence Is dragging her down; Class clown, Class clown, She slowly starts to drown. For what it's worth She hated the world- It made her mad, It made her bad. Now petering out She sees a man; Stranger in the dark. With...
  18. flipsyde

    Anybody write their OWN lyrics/songs?

    haha yeah.. I write poetry also whic could also be passed off as songs cos really songs are poems in a sense so yeah... lol.. ur songs were godo though I found myself singing them..
  19. flipsyde

    MOVIE: Closer

    yeah its gwen... grr I hate her!!! and leo as well grrrr!
  20. flipsyde

    Anybody write their OWN lyrics/songs?

    Umm I write heaps.. Ive written 35 songs all up... but here's some God Renin based the earth digest him Carbon taste the ash is blue You don’t fit here Stoned with fear Too save-faced now to shed a tear. Punish me I haven’t sinned Forgive me now Your blade is binned. Digging...