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  1. flipsyde


    Hey can I have your opinions on something... Im going to be studying in college next year, run through a univerity but its a college.. anyhow Im doing an acceled course.. so like cramming a 3 year degree into 2 years, which basically measn 5 days of study rather than 3... anyhow my...
  2. flipsyde

    The Official College Thread

    Ok cos BOS has threads for uni and TAFE this is the college thread.. whos going to college? anyone? Im going to KvB Institiute of Technology (run through Bond University) to study B/Arts- Visual Communicaton.. Ill do it fo 2 years then transfer to uni to do my DipEd
  3. flipsyde

    Career Or Family

    I dont want kids!!!!
  4. flipsyde

    mates before dates, bros before hoes etc.......

    Theres been a thread like this done before... but for me it will ALWAYS be mates first. All of us have been through so much... especially some REALLY tough times and just the things that we've stuck together through till the very end... nothing and noone could replace that, and if anyones tries...
  5. flipsyde

    poll2 for do you want your partner to be a virgin

    Im a virgn.. I dont care.. would preffer virgin but doesnt matter hes gonan get a virgin so... would be kinda nice if we 'lost' it together
  6. flipsyde

    moving out

    Ok well lthis was going to happen to me but I got accepted into a college in Sydney so I dont have to move... I also got accepted into Uni in Coffs Harbour. If i hadn't of been offered a place in Sydney then these would have been the costs ( My family already worked it out when I got the uni...
  7. flipsyde


    lol .
  8. flipsyde

    doing stuff in front of parents

    "Comic Book Guy" from The Simpsons- fat ugly guy with no life and dates an 80y.o.
  9. flipsyde


    hey I was wondering if anyone knew of any other sites where I could look fro a partime/casual job I only know seek and careerone can anyone help me/ thanx
  10. flipsyde


    Ive never been suspended..simply because I was a reputable studet, howver I almost got suspended a few times cos there were a few teachers that didnt like the fact that I was liked by teachers... you see I wasnt a genius, popular or sporty so they didnt like it.....the assistant pricipal was one...
  11. flipsyde


    I did accelerated science in yr 10.. our whole class had 'smart' kids so our techer decided to put us through acceleration and we were doing yr11 chem bio physics.. a bit of tehm all in yr 10.. Its very tough and challenging, but If you do the work you get the results. I didnt get the results I...
  12. flipsyde

    BOS T-SHIRT Design Competition

    heres another of my designs... nothing special
  13. flipsyde

    Whats worse?

    being dumped by sms is the worst, email comes in just as close but sms is worse... Id break up how my friedn was dumped.... He rang and said "we have to talk" then he picked her up in the car and drove around the block with her in the car and told her then ... and then droppped her home.. It...
  14. flipsyde


    I wouldnt want him to ask my parents first. I think a public proposal is nice but Id hate it to be from someone I dont wanna marry so a private one is just as nice... I havent really thought about it in that way. But I would LOVE them to be orginal with it, none of this putting the ring in food...
  15. flipsyde


    hahahaha lol.. yeah Id never propose...
  16. flipsyde


    yeah but he may be thinking about it but not know if you want to or not... by hinting you are giving him clues. If he doesnt respond to the hints he's either thick or not ready.. In which case I'd stop
  17. flipsyde


    congats :)
  18. flipsyde


    I wouldnt either...I would just hint lots:p
  19. flipsyde


    I was having this discussion with a friend the other day and we were discussing who should be the one to propose.... I thiught that although traditionally it is the man who proposes there is no reason why the woman couldn't they thought it was the mans responsibility and that he should...
  20. flipsyde

    Long Hair

    I like guys with long hair as long as it suits