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  1. flipsyde

    Can't understand question

    what the? .
  2. flipsyde

    East Asian Earthquake

    I think I heard somthign on the radio where you can ring to see if ppl in SL that u know r ok... it was 1800 002 214 I think.. I was in the middle of somethign when it came on so I was half listening
  3. flipsyde

    Is SAM accurate??

    entered exactly what was on my report
  4. flipsyde

    Calling Your Partner Pet Names eg: Honey, Sweetie, Sugar, Mama, Daddy...??? :S

    I have a pseudo bf... we just pretend etc.. I called him Cherrub Bumpkin today for some reason :s
  5. flipsyde

    Guys who only go for model-type girls yet they look crap themselves

    Its not always looks that first attract you know... cos I make lotsa friends and I talk lots to people and I make new friends through friends at parties and I just start talking to anyone.. I dont care what they look like... then after a bit of a convo.. well sometimes I feel attracted to their...
  6. flipsyde

    Worst feeling?

    regret .
  7. flipsyde

    Is SAM accurate??

    SAM underpredicted my UAI by 35 marks... Really had me worried... which means I killed in the HSC....
  8. flipsyde

    What did every1 make for major works?

    You dont get reinbursed at all.. you dont HAVE to spend over 1 grand.. I didnt. Dont drop ITM, youll love it, its great.
  9. flipsyde

    Whats ur fav style of music??

    whats ska? .
  10. flipsyde

    Whats ur fav style of music??

    where the hell is rock on that list?
  11. flipsyde

    Uai - Is It Too Low???

    you reakon I have a chance of getting if I got 4.75 below the mark I needed for B/Arts ?
  12. flipsyde

    Announcment Of First-round Offers

    thanx .
  13. flipsyde

    Sign Language at me out

    I would alos love to learn sign language.... just cos I wanna. So could you also help me with any info thanx
  14. flipsyde


    Indeed .
  15. flipsyde

    Without A Paddle

    Has anyone seen this? Its sooo funny, although I talked to a lot of my friends and they said it wasnt.... Did you like it?
  16. flipsyde

    Ashlee Simpson Spoof lol

    that was kinda gross... It was good at the start... but then eww...
  17. flipsyde

    HSC cheats

    I have a few friends who take the day off when an assessment is due... it was annnoying :angry:
  18. flipsyde


    No it wasa college that wont qulify me... are all TAFE courses AQF?
  19. flipsyde


    yeah I applied ages ago ... thanx all
  20. flipsyde


    I quit worrying about my UAI and whether Im gonna get in or not ... cos I know Im not... now Im worried about getting into TAFE... I applied ages ago as a 'just in case' thing. Turns out the College I made it into won't qualify me for the uni course that I need so now its off to TAFE I go...