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  1. flipsyde

    thread for bitter single people

    I'm single cos I never tried to get into one and its not that important to me at this point of my life. I'm too busy at the moment and it would just get in the way of everything at the moment. Yes 18, single, never dated, never been kissed.... lovin' it.... That and no-one will ever fit the...
  2. flipsyde


    good idea Thanks guys
  3. flipsyde

    Dear HSC kids of 2004

    I lost mine in term 1 :p
  4. flipsyde

    Yr 12 - Pictures of your study area.

    Heya heres my study space... umm yeah u can see all the mess then a small space that I cleared next to my laptop for my elbows when I type ;)
  5. flipsyde

    Are you all serious?

    Im gonna sell some of my texts books and use the rest for tutoring. I'm gonna give my ancient notes away cos they're good and Im gonna use my ITM, English and Bio for tutoring... the rest will be recycled.... or sold... if anyone really wants them, which they wont cos they're crap.
  6. flipsyde


    yah but Im gonna spray over it with that stuff..ummm cant think what its called. Sp when Im done it wont come off
  7. flipsyde


    Hello all, I was just wondering.. I'm not familiar with using charcol pencils and was wondering if there was any tricks or particular techniques that I should be aware of... You see Im re-doing my room as a sort of 'present' for myself cos of the HSC (I finish in thursday... w00t!) and am...
  8. flipsyde

    hmmm uais

    U can get any mark with any subjects... It all depends on the effort you put in to get the marks. someone that does all the fancy subs such as 3unit math and adv english can still do worse than someone who does IT and Standard English... Hell I do IT and Stand Eng and Im doin better than...
  9. flipsyde

    Video in Powerpoint

    Or you could try using a program for somethignthat its not meant for or what is new to that program. For example Flash was generally used for animations and creating buttons. Importing video into flash and playing video files is sort of a newish thing to do in flash... its what I did. Try that...
  10. flipsyde


    Nah Its was different I did a practice test.. but yeah lests not dwell on how bad it was... noone can fail...they just have negative success :p Chill its done now.. dont stress over it
  11. flipsyde


    What? If your not good u get eaten?
  12. flipsyde

    The 2004 HSC - Industrial Technology Paper

    My teacher was great. He stayed back in the holidays, came in on weekends, stayed back after school and just did so much to help us out in any way possible. We were still working up til the nigth before on it but imagine if he hadnt of stayed back.... unfinished work! Hes great
  13. flipsyde

    Biggest Distraction During The Examz!!

    Yeah Dougie I dont mind the drums either.. I wouldnt have cared if they played them to be frank... BUT THOSE DAMN CYMBALS... they werent drum cymbasl theye were the big ones... how is that being quieter? Im down the back of the hall so I hear it all... grrrr
  14. flipsyde

    Biggest Distraction During The Examz!!

    The music rooms are right next to our hall... they were playing music in my last exam. Instead of using drums so that they could be 'quiet' THEY DECIDED TO USE CYMBALS INSTEAD!!!!GAH
  15. flipsyde

    Biggest Distraction During The Examz!!

    On wedneday for the 2nd english paper we had a pupil free day and I was thinking w00t no noise... but do u think the school remembered to turn off the school bell for recess?no! I jumped. It was funny.
  16. flipsyde

    Worst Things the Supervisors Have Said

    Now ladies there is a male superviser among us dont worry he wont be involved with taking you to the toilet or anything
  17. flipsyde

    Cheating in exams

    I did the saem thing.. I couldnt bring myself to look at my hand... I just couldnt
  18. flipsyde

    Estimates and Special Provisions

    They werent telling u what to feel they were providing you with facts in order to demonstrate their point. We all have the right to our own opinion you know.
  19. flipsyde

    The 2004 HSC - Industrial Technology Paper

    hahaha lol cool.... reading all this stuff has made me want to be a mod of the Industrial Technology section.