Yeah that would make sense that the main similarity is the eddy currents. I guess I went onto the more specifics, thinking how heat is produced in the induction cooktop and therefore somehow the teacher might want us to talk about heat and eddy currents with magnet/copper pipe.
Hey just a quick question about something I wrote in the exam:
Would it be correct if I wrote that when a magnet is dropped through a copper pipe, the eddy currents (... and here I state that its from Lenz's Law) will make the magnet fall slower and kinetic energy is converted into heat? The...
Just wanted to pop a question about OECD's Better Life Index when discussing about the economic development... I've included the HDI but OECD's Better Life Index allows measurement and comparing closer aspects of life eg. life satisfaction and education levels, comparing with the 38 countries...
Surface Pro 4, but if the Surface Pro 3 is more than enough. I use the Surface Pro 3 for school and home and it's lighter than a Macbook Air even with the keyboard.
Thanks for your quick replies! :) Forgot about the log rules (actually haven't really learned them yet as I joined my headstart tutoring class midway). Thanks :)
Anyone know why I get different answers when I do the u substitution (left) compared to just taking out the constant at the beginning? By the way the one on the right is correct...
This is a similar question to the one on
I know quite a few in my school who are doing 13 units, one who wanted to do 14 (or was it 15?) units lol! Anyway as long as you are capable of doing 13u then by all means go for it, otherwise just drop 1 of them if you want to maintain sanity :P
Quality > Quantity
As long as you use the hours efficiently, anything is possible :D Although when assessments come around, you would probably spend more time then.
Drop engineering and we will have the exact lineup of subjects haha :P
Anyway you probably have heard about this hundreds of times - drop the one that you don't like the most. You can take a look at Year 12 engineering and economics notes online and pick a subject that interests you the most...
I cannot get enough of sleep so it doesn't for me anyway :P
However when I did take naps in the afternoon, when I wake up feeling more tired than before (for a while, but that's the same for mornings)... so I do all the studying and just 'try' to sleep 'earlier' at night haha.
Yep I got a couple maths binder books from Nextra newsagency. The brand is called GNS (Wholesale Stationers), the grid book binders seemed to only be in 128pg or 96pg I think, could send a pic of the cover if u want.
My name is Jeff..
Jokes aside, my HSC subjects are in my signature, goal is 'try my very best'. Last year of high school so might just as well get the most out of it.
Right now I'm using exercise books for all subjects (except for English - last year only wrote used like 30 pages lol, since drafts are typed). Am I the only one who put books as well as handouts into binders lol.
On that note, I'm getting binders for each subject to store old sheets as the...
Just a question about binders...
I'm used to using exercise books but I'm switching to using the binder/loose leaf system but not sure how to set them up.
1. I've got the A4 2 Ring binder that I'm supposedly using for all subjects, do I bring only the subjects studied for the day?
2. If I use...