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  1. Cheesecake_a

    Band 6 cut off

    Trying not to read what everyone else wrote in the exam, it makes me very anxious lol, but I do want to know predictions on band 6 cut off :)
  2. Cheesecake_a

    Legal Studies Preparation

    Question: What is the average raw mark for an aligned 85?
  3. Cheesecake_a

    Section I – World War I

    Ahh okay, well we will see what happens. I mean for the ten marker, I mentioned how it is implying women to enlist, but then again I felt the message for the multiple choice was the inhumane treatment. Idk, I felt it was both! Lol maybe they can say both are correct :S lol doubt it. I think that...
  4. Cheesecake_a

    Section I – World War I

    Yeah I wrote that too :) I also had a bit of trouble relating to the propaganda bit for that source.
  5. Cheesecake_a

    General Thoughts: Modern History

    ^Ah okay, so all those talking part a, I did similar to you guys. I think that you could talk about it however you like, as long as you can back it up. I mean, something one person mentioned above I didn't use, so I got worried, but then again, it is up to the individual what they think is...
  6. Cheesecake_a

    Biki Redirection Problem

    Re: something is wrong I'm on IE now, at least it's not happening now. But I hate IE lol
  7. Cheesecake_a

    General Thoughts: Modern History

    What if I linked some events of Weimer and how there were factors in the Weimers weakness that led to Hitler's rise to power?
  8. Cheesecake_a

    Section III - Personalities in the Twentieth Century

    ^Yeah, I felt I was doing that too. My personality was Leni Riefenstahl. I mean b) was a little different, but I was able to link it with what I talked about in part a) which was good.
  9. Cheesecake_a

    General Thoughts: Modern History

    @inJust, I talked about before 1942, they had a lot of short term success, and this continued until as the question says, couldn't be maintained then talked about events in 1942, then I talked about how that wasn't the only issue, and how A bomb led to defeat as well, and talked about the...
  10. Cheesecake_a

    Section III - Personalities in the Twentieth Century

    I liked this one, I always find this section the easiest imo. :)
  11. Cheesecake_a

    Section II - National Studies

    Did part a for Germany, I hope I did okay!!
  12. Cheesecake_a

    Section I – World War I

    I think if I focused too much on the propaganda aspect of it. Man I wish i had the answers here lol By the way with the analysis question for sources, 10 marker, how did the first source relate to recruitment/propaganda?
  13. Cheesecake_a

    General Thoughts: Modern History

    I did question b) ''The success of the Japanese advance of 1942 could not be maintained, and led to Japans defeat in 1945. How accurate is this statement?'' I felt that was the easier one for me personally, and inJust, I mentioned some of your points for this question. I don't feel I...
  14. Cheesecake_a

    Biki Redirection Problem

    Re: something is wrong I thought I was the only one lol, it's so annoying!!!
  15. Cheesecake_a

    Section I – World War I

    Yeah it was a Red cross or Iron cross poster, with a german sister pouring water or something in front of an allied prisoner. I put the inhumane option...
  16. Cheesecake_a

    General Thoughts: Modern History

    Damn ^I don't remember if I put that for multiple choice:S oh well it's over now, can't do anything about it. Well I WAS feeling okay with WW1 but idk yet. Pretty confident with personality a) and b) I hope I did okay, I felt confident doing it though. Germany (I chose question a) I...
  17. Cheesecake_a

    Raw marks

    Oh alright, thanks guys! :)
  18. Cheesecake_a

    Raw marks

  19. Cheesecake_a

    NIGHT BEFORE THE EXAM - How's everyone feeling for modern history?

    ^Lol true on not knowing by tomorrow if you don't know it now. Man, all this last minute revision is killing me. At least my teacher says she thinks I will be fine lol, but I really want to make her proud, I am scared I won't improve much, I mean I will improve, but don't know if I can reach...
  20. Cheesecake_a

    NIGHT BEFORE THE EXAM - How's everyone feeling for modern history?

    Cramming a bit actually. Personality and WW1 I think I should leave now lol, I am focusing on germany+ conflict in pacific.