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  1. Cheesecake_a

    Dr Who

    I really liked Vincent and the Doctor, with the exception of the Krafayis.That was an odd creature...
  2. Cheesecake_a

    Making notes and doing past papers?

    Hello, Would you say it is a bit of a waste of time making notes and rather doing past papers? I mean i though about it, and notes is great in terms of having all your work in one sort of pile and summarised from all your other class notes, text books, etc. However it is quite time consuming...
  3. Cheesecake_a

    Not getting marks back for one assessment.

    I think in some subjects having to know your ranks in this time of the year is not really necessary as one has not done enough assessments (depending) to see the progress made by all students.
  4. Cheesecake_a

    Prepared essays and writing on the spot

    @ shooky nooky, essays in exam conditions are not my strong point, however it may be due to my preparation time before I tackle the exam. I guess I should just prepare a bit more than I do, and practice essays. At the moment I do not do that enough as I get busy doing my assignments and...
  5. Cheesecake_a

    How to stop procastination?

    I find this a really great help!
  6. Cheesecake_a

    Prepared essays and writing on the spot

    Thanks for your responses. Looking at past papers, I have realised for example in modern history, in international studies section, there is a question for example in Germany and the collapse on the Weimer republic. Obviously questioned in a different way. Is that the similar system for other...
  7. Cheesecake_a

    Prepared essays and writing on the spot

    Hello, I have asked a few teachers about this and they have kinda different answers. A few past HSCers have told me they had a prepared essay in their exam HOWEVER it was not answering a specific question but quite general so they can mold it into the question. Others say you should know the...
  8. Cheesecake_a

    21 hours of study a week

    Say you are not up to this standard, yet alone studying really hard everyday. Are you up for trouble already? Because lately things have been happening and motivation has sort of slipped away, and I am trying to regain it.
  9. Cheesecake_a

    Confused on making assessment goals. :S

    Hello, Lately I have been making goals for all my assessments/ tests, etc. So I sort of started this last month but didn't keep up with it too much but did it again. For example, I guessed around where I would want my first History extension aim. I said 94% (if i remember) and got 90%...
  10. Cheesecake_a

    Legal studies text book. Should I invest in it?

    Lol my post sounds sort of stupid now. Okay, well I thought that buying a text book in general would maybe be better for me, but now that I think about it, I shouldn't. And the top person in my legal class doesn't have a text book so I guess it doesn't matter much. :)
  11. Cheesecake_a

    Legal studies text book. Should I invest in it?

    The HSC cambridge legal studies book 2nd edition I believe, is given to me in photo copied format since my school does not have as much funds to buy a dozen or so text books, and they are quite expensive. Two of my friends have them and they say they are actually stimulated by the colours in...
  12. Cheesecake_a

    History extension help

    With perspectives changing over time, I am looking for some resources yet how do I find something relating to changing perspectives? Or maybe I have to look harder. Someone also told me about arguing 'communist or liberator'...? - but i don't know if that makes sense. With the question of...
  13. Cheesecake_a

    History extension help

    Hello, I have emailed my teacher who hasn't replied so i thought i ask here. I am doing my topic on Che Guevara yet still having a bit of trouble coming up with a topic. I have been reading yet I feel I am confused myself. It is due Wednesday (proposal) so I have worked on it a bit (by that i...
  14. Cheesecake_a

    Is it ideal to have a study plan for the HSC?

    Also with lists of what you need to do, it is important to list the most important thing to do first, then 2nd important as 2nd, and so on. Or try the least favorite subjects first and favorites later. Time tables are structured for your day, however what happens when suddenly a family member...
  15. Cheesecake_a

    Cut offs changing...

    Thanks Cem I understand now! :) and thanks krnofdrg. I have the chance of receiving points too as I attended a program at UNSW and I can receive 8 points. :) Plus other ways to obtain points is great. I actually thought those with a 96 would get in first, then if there are places with those...
  16. Cheesecake_a

    Cut offs changing...

    Okay! I am more focused with a goal so I guess I will keep it at 96.15. I just sometimes don't find it of use if I do not need it then I don't need to aim too high but I guess why not!
  17. Cheesecake_a

    Cut offs changing...

    Why do they put a cut off for this year if it will change? Because I can work better if I have a goal in mind but if it can change then maybe I just make it 96.15 again.
  18. Cheesecake_a

    Cut offs changing...

    OH. Because I wanted to know what my new ATAR goal should be. How should I do it then?
  19. Cheesecake_a

    Cut offs changing...

    So that means... it is 94?!
  20. Cheesecake_a

    Cut offs changing...

    Hello, I am interested in doing a Bachelor of Arts OR what I really want to do is a Bachelor of International Studies. I looked through 2012 UAC, and the ATAR was the same, 96.15. And then I looked at the Sydney Morning Herald and it lowered to 94. I am not sure if this is correct? I would be...