1. Then do the bridging courses unless your unusually bright, if your the student who gets brand new concepts easily and quickly then you won't need it, but if your not as smart then do it. I'm speaking of experience from a different university - however the same first year core subjects and...
1. If you suck at chem and physics, then do it.
2. No electives, course is already all set out for the first three years
3. No you can't choose, you may select a preference in year two but no guarantee at all. They are also talking about making it compulsory for diagnostic radiography and...
There should be blocks, but if you want to overload then normally you'll have to request it. I know at other universities, you need to maintain a mid to high credit to be able to overload.
So just a question that can only be answered by people who know first hand.
How hard is it to transfer into Diagnostic Radiography from another degree within the MRS degree's? I've been investigating asking heaps of people, especially lecturers and course coordinators and they have been saying...
Also, if you want to do sonography. You must be accreditted already from your bachelors degree.. meaning you have to of finished your PDY to get into the postgrad sono.
Bachelor of Dentistry - University of Sydney
I don't think USYD has a dentistry program for school leavers. They have a graduate entry one though, so even if you do those subjects, you will still need to get a bachelors degree first (completed), then sit GAMSAT, then hope you get in. Thats if...
Lehninger Principles Of Biochemistry Author: Nelson with CD
4th Edition
I shit you not, its in brand new condition - as in the new condition you see when you unwrap the NEW ones from the plastic seal. It has been opened once, actually twice now since I checked it just then so that I could...
Are the tutorials/practicals compulsary for this subject? In the assessment outline - the pracs/tutorials have no weighting whatsoever in the final awarded mark..