Search results

  1. krayzie_

    Radiography plans

    Yeah just do what you want to do. Oh one is the masters, one is graduate certificate and a graduate diploma. For the grad certificate you don't get accreditation which is kinda pointless if you want to get a job as a sonographer they usually would want you to be accredited. The difference...
  2. krayzie_

    Radiography plans

    Well if you haven't done any science related courses at all during your HSC, and if you feel uncomfortable with taking on the science in university then by all means do the bridging courses.. but meh, I didn't do any science in during the HSC and I was fine without the bridginc courses. :D No...
  3. krayzie_

    Semester 1 Timetables

    Anyone know where we have to go in person to get the timetable changed at Cumberland?
  4. krayzie_

    Semester 1 Timetables

    Re: Summer '08-09 Chatter Thread Damnnn it, it won't let me change groups! Same time slot, but it gives me the same group~! :(
  5. krayzie_

    timetables BLAH

    Thats what I'm thinking? On the site they say they won't do it, but apparently from what people have been saying its possible! So what do I do, just choose what times I want and rock up to the timetabling changing place and ask them and its ok?! BTW, I'm at Cumberland, is it still ok? Is it...
  6. krayzie_

    timetables BLAH

    I would have thought that you would need a convincing reason to do it in person? What happens if everyone is not happy with there timetable and all rock up so they can customise their whole timetable?
  7. krayzie_

    Street Fighter IV

    whasssup, i got street fighter 4 already. jb hi fi got it in at liverpool
  8. krayzie_


    Yeah I only went to uni 2 days a week last semester, and I'm a FT student who was doing a double degree :D
  9. krayzie_

    Choosing Tutorials/Lectures

    Just a question for changing the timetable Up To Two Time Periods Off Day Start Time Duration So we choose the day we might want off.. - Then we choose from what time we want off right? Then how long we want off?
  10. krayzie_

    impossible to get HD in CHEM1 an 2??

    Yeah, it sucks.. but I got all the answers for practicals :D
  11. krayzie_


    Oh okay then thanks! So I have to sign something before they approve it? Just great, I should be getting exempt from most of the first year subjects. So just to confirm, once they grant credit, will I be automatically unenrolled from the original subjects? (Because when we came to enroll, they...
  12. krayzie_


    So when the timetabes come out, I want to make my timetable exactly the same as my friend. Doable or not? :D Also how long does it usually take for them to consider credit. I applied for credit ages ago and I haven't heard anything. How do they let me know if its all good? uni email I assume?
  13. krayzie_

    impossible to get HD in CHEM1 an 2??

    +1 But yes very hard for people who are new to chemistry, unless they are super duper talented, which most of them aren't. as someone above said out of 150 ppl, maybe 10 max would get hd
  14. krayzie_

    Nuclear Medicine

    Far out, that just sucks. So every person you know had to get out of the city for it? No one was lucky enough to be able to do all their clinicals in the metro area?
  15. krayzie_

    Nuclear Medicine

    Damn, are these country clinicals just for Nuclear Med or across all 3 disciplines? And what if I can't go due to extenuating circumstances?
  16. krayzie_

    Nuclear Medicine

    I see! One more question, it says somewhere in the handbook that we HAVE TO DO a clinical or two in the country places. Is this for real? Or is it just something written down in the handbook that doesn't apply. WTF am I suppose to do after work hours? Where am I staying? What am I using to...
  17. krayzie_

    Physics in B. Med Sci

    Oh I thought you meant you were going to finish B.Medical Science then transfer into USYD dentristy program. I assumed you were going to do 3 years oif medical science. BTW transferring after first year should be real real competitive. So yeah, if you stuff up first year with your marks...
  18. krayzie_

    Nuclear Medicine

    Well the double degree is four years, if I was to continue it this will be my third. If I accept Nuclear Med - then I probably will have around two years as I've done the majority of the medical science subjects so I'd probably get "some exemptions" from that. Yeah probably take it cos its same...
  19. krayzie_

    Nuclear Medicine

    Hey thanks. Yea thats what I thought.. Kinda gay. Was looking around and found heaps of radiography + radiation therapist - but nuclear medicine = one. So I'm thinking when there is a PDY for nuclear medicine then they are going to get swamped with applications which then makes that position...
  20. krayzie_

    Nuclear Medicine

    So I put a transfer through for diagnostic radiography and they offered me Nuclear Medicine.. Checking around for jobs on seek and NSW health and I see close to zero employers wanting Nuclear Medicine Techs.. Its all radiographers So tell me more.. , is it going to be very very very hard...