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  1. M

    repeating psyc1001

    yes you have to
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    Access Card

    With regards to the above quote, I've taken part in several clubs, and i completely disagree with jb_nc's apathetic view. one thing amazing that happened to me was EWB sent me to the philippines to build houses! This year i am the president of the St. Vincent de Paul society, and i have 300...
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    Access Card

    i think it's totally worth it and i would highly suggest every student buys one this was my year last year joined 7 clubs - SUCE, SUEUA, SUWIE, EngRevue, VegSoc, RubixCube, EWB $3 t-shirt from SUEUA and SUWIE Saved $10 each $2 All you can eat BBQ x15 / year (includes beer) Saved $$lots $5 All...
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    you can login into the central timetabling uni and "figure out" your timetable for yourself. I did mine last year :) procedure: goto myuni click on the tab "my study" click on the link "login to central timetabling unit" punch in your subject codes and the timetable will show up. I use it all...
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    Best degree to transfer to engineering

    depends on the kind of person you are and what interests you in science the question is "why is this like this?" in engineering the question is "how can i improve this? make it bigger/faster/stronger/taller/more efficient/more environmentally friendly/more sustainable?" Engineering requires a...
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    Stuttering & University

    oooohhhhhhhhh this is the loveliest thread ever! not like some the other backstabbing racist, sexist, egotistic self-obsessed threads. Look, the way i see it. EVERYONE has something "not right" about them. some have a big nose, webbed feet, lazy eyes, long arms, red hair, you're too fat or too...
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    joining clubs??

    Cumbo has their own card.
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    Is part-time job more managenable in uni than in HSC?

    It's so unfair law/commerce/arts students have 12 hours contact a week! LAME. I do Engineering/Arts I have about 25 contact hours a week. If I only did engo subjects this can goto about 30 hours a week. For all engo subjects, if you want to pass (and just pass) you need to double the contact...
  9. M

    how much $$$ are we lookin at each semester or per year on text books.

    I've done 4 years of arts and for my language subjects, I had to pay for a text book and I got it free from an older student (this is a good reason to join and meet people from your faculty society). I also had a workbook, which i paid for. it wasn't too bad. like <$30 For all my anthropology...
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    Engineering, second round

    hey the university has chosen a normal current student to represent them. it is by coincidence that i really do happen to love Sydney Uni, and I believe in their education and I love waking up and going to uni. If i felt it was false, I wouldn't be saying what i'm saying. i don't defame other...
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    Access 2009 free gift bag?

    the lines are generally quite long during O-week especially in the morning. if you can, try to get one before o-week. the SRC are the ones that give out free condoms. and they do it all year round. no access card needed. the Union gives you free chocolate! :)
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    I am "DEAD!" ARGHH

    hey "Iamscrewed", I can empathise with the fact that you have NO IDEA what you want to do WITH THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. It's a pretty big decision to make at 18 years old or whatever when you finish school. Can i suggest that you stop stressing and take a breathe for a second. maybe go for a walk...
  13. M

    a question about changing subjects

    After the 13th Feb, you can vary your enrollment online. So when you have your Unikey (it should be ABCD1234), log into Myuni and click the tab called "My admin" and there is an option there called "vary my enrollment" i vary my enrollment pretty much every semester. As i take my time...
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    Physicist Vs Engineer (Salary)

    who knows what they want to do for the REST OF THE THEIR LIVES when they're still in high school? I'm suggesting don't think too hard about it. If you enjoy engineering and science then try to get into the double degree. Decide as you go what you enjoy. Opportunities will open if you are good...
  15. M

    Difference between Uni and High School?

    Uni is very different from school on so many different levels. If you come a small cosy high school like me, expect the unexpected. Uni is MASSIVE. there is like 50 000 students who go there, so you're not likely to see the same people everyday, and don't have loving "oh he's from my school"...
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    Does anybody know of any Cultural studies Courses?

    I've done a few subjects in cultural studies at Usyd. it's very interesting and a field that is growing.
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    you have 56 senior credits and it's 36 senior credits to have a major. so it's possible to do a major and a minor. or you can do what i did and do major and then all these random subjects. It's great. really broadens your mind
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    Gender mix at uSyd

    there are plenty of guys in engineering!
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    Access 2009 free gift bag?

    oh also, if you didn't get a showbag token, then if you're ever in uni again, show them your access card, and say you haven't got your showbag token yet.
  20. M

    Access 2009 free gift bag?

    currently i'm running the Sydney Uni Young Vinnies society. For every access member that turns up to volunteer with sydney's homeless, disadvantaged children and so on, the union gives the society (and inkind sponsorship to vinnies) anywhere from $4 to $10 per event. I think that's pretty good...