Search results

  1. M

    Significance of GPA

    I'm not sure about the economics faculty, but in some other faculties, your WAM and GPA have a weighting depending on the level of the course. so in engineering 1st year is worth only 10% of your final mark 2nd yr 20% 3rd year 30% and 4th yr 40% so you still have an opportunity to pick...
  2. M

    Double Degrees

    UAIs are based on popularity/ number of positions offered only. You can't look at it in terms of simple arithmetic. it's a different way of thinking. in your example, Out of all the students who want to chose surveying, say a hundred students, the person with the lowest UAI was 68.45...
  3. M

    Travelling 1hr+ to uni

    MX is possibly the worst "newspaper" to ever hit the hands of the Australian public. It makes us all petty, celebrity enthusied, angry, materialistic small minded idiots. I wish it would DIE the rest of that post was pretty good. I travel 1.5 hours to uni each way. I love the "chill out" to...
  4. M

    Can you wear WHATEVER you want to uni?

    Yes, you can wear ANYTHING you want. in my time at uni, i have seen PLENTY of nudity. in public and on stage.
  5. M

    Advanced engineering at UWS or engineering at UTS

    If i were you, i'd go UWS. Engineering is a hard enough degree as it is and there always tonnes of stuff to do.. If you only live 15 minutes from the place, then take advantage of it. Why put yourself through 3+ hours of travelling each day? when you can use that time to do better things...
  6. M

    how many writing books/folders are you gonna get?

    I'm a big fan of efficiency. I already have to commute 1.3 hours/day/each way to get to uni, so i want my load to be as light as possible. if i'm doing a humanitities subject - say anything from the arts faculty, law, education then i just loose sheets. write my notes. file when i get home...
  7. M

    does anyone not drink

    there are HEAPS of people who don't drink. HEAPS AND HEAPS AND HEAPS. or who only drink 1 or 2 drinks socially. There is nothing wrong with not drinking, if your pressure you to drink , they aren't good people.
  8. M

    Need help with decision making

    Hey mystical element here is list of the different possible majors in the bachelor of medical science Faculty of Science Degrees and Majors - Future Undergraduate Students - The University of Sydney Here is info about B med sci in general Bachelor of Medical Science - Future Undergraduate...
  9. M

    Need help with decision making

    hey mystical element I will reply tonight. going out now
  10. M

    The Chicks at USYD Art Faculty

    in all areas of life you are going to meet all kinds of people. Stereotypes exist for a reason, but that is not to say there aren't plenty of people who stand aside from that stereotype. I have personally met PLENTY of Arts students who are the nicest people on the planet. I have also met some...
  11. M

    comm/law at USYD or UNSW?

    as gman said. The uni open days are this week. so take the time to just feel the vibe of the place. After all you will be there for 5 years+ of your life! so it better be a place you like. talk to current students at both places. as for travel, if you live in the west and coming by train, unsw...
  12. M

    Uni/Career questions by a School leaver

    Dear Fire Jade, No question is a silly question, so as Leith said, (HI LEITH!!!!) Ask questions to your life's content! as the more you ask, the more you know, the more you will understand and the more at ease you will be. So first thing. CALM DOWN. Secondly, you seem as though you are at a...
  13. M

    Will the UAI for Law drop without full fee paying students?

    actually there is no flexible entry for law. sorry!
  14. M

    Will the UAI for Law drop without full fee paying students?

    theoretically yes. as there should be more spaces available for the same demand (hopefully) But whether the faculty opens them to more commonwealth supported places? or to give them to full fee paying international is another story. in the current economic climate, we do not know what the...
  15. M

    Why I love Sydney Uni Engineering

    This forum has alot of negative comments about Sydney Uni engineering, said by people who may or may not have had any experience with Sydney uni engineering at all! so I will put my 2 cents forward to anyone who was struggling with the decision as I did. In no particular order, 1. Amazing...
  16. M

    Why I love Sydney Uni Engineering

    Also, for the past 3 years, the Institute of Engineers Australia "Student Engineer of the Year" have all been Sydney University students
  17. M

    Why I love Sydney Uni Engineering

    This forum has alot of negative comments about Sydney Uni engineering, said by people who may or may not have had any experience with Sydney uni engineering at all! so I will put my 2 cents forward to anyone who was struggling with the decision as I did. In no particular order, 1. Amazing...
  18. M

    Parking @ USyd

    For me, i study both engineering and Arts, so I have classes all over main campus. Since, i am an engineering and value the importance of time and efficiency, i tend to tailor my travelling to uni needs depending on my timetable and my classes. If i have a class in engineering in the morning...
  19. M

    comparing engineers with double degree and single degree

    To anyone considering doing an engineering double degree, I am studying a Bachelor of Engineering (civil) and Bachelor of Arts! Before you make those silly faces and roll your eyes at me, I would have you know, I think choosing to do the double has been the best decision of my life!! Why...
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    Hey Chrisbos! Don't forget Flexible Entry!!! You can get upto 5 UAI points. Check details here Flexible entry - START - The University of Sydney details are due pretty soon. if you have more questions email me, or simply come to Sydney Uni Info Day and ask. Most people write their letters...