Submit a written description of the nature of his/her/your (if you don't work yourself you could interview someone who does) work and employment relationship
You lie! how can you hate coming of age movies?!?!?1 its such a cute movie! no thinking required! OMG SHALL WE DANCE COMES OUT ON THE 16TH OF MARCH ON DVD!!!!!!!!!
what is generally acceppted 5-10%+-?
also i am writing a description about my own employment which is asked ("your work and employment relationship) is it alright to use first person narrative otherwise it is going to sound stupid
last sunday night this lady ket ringing our store and yelling at whoever she was talking too i think we had about 8 managers on that night,7 of those were fake. Read the lable next time you stupid woman oh and she is going to sue us as well since we "overcharged" her.
funniest thing ever...
Good to hear! but im sure many people won't werid
Heres a shit movie Birthday girl with Nicole kidman now that i think about it and by shit i mean shit i brought the dvd for $15
Take that back how can you hate susan? i love susan! oh dear i like most of the movies (that i know/seen) in here, but i love trashy movies so its ok.
Just to add a few that i love but others will hate:
- shall we dance? (my favourite movie)
- Hearts and souls (my favourite movie from the...
ive only watched intent a couple of times, that guy annoys me. i use to watch the normal one but then that guy died and i loved that guy so i don't watch it any more really. but i love svu missed the past few weeks stupiswork :( is anyone going to watch trial by jury when it comes out?
they were ordinary textbooks, we had one that had exclamation marks and the other was a year 10 south african one. you could also widen the question to other opposition groups to apartheid but yeah finding historians opinions on the subject is hard (well it was for the south african subject...
Raiks why wern't you more forceful when you told me not to do COMM100 i blame you, now i have to do a stupid assessment thats due next week and the class is mainly 2/3 year students. damn you *shakes fist* other than that all is fine. why do they have an american teaching australian politics...