Search results

  1. Tenille

    Who ate Wheat-Bix beofre the exam?

    that add annoys me. =/. and i don't like wheat-Bix i ate my nutra-grain bar
  2. Tenille

    How helpful was the advice line?

    I called general question, got a quick answer, the chick i talked to was nice. the end.
  3. Tenille


    The water should be provided for you, during the trials a friend of mine wasent allowe to bring water into an exam "in case it wasent water" yes, she was going to get pissed during her exam *rolls eyes* it was english it all makes sense now. but yeah we also had people "accidently" knocking over...
  4. Tenille

    Section 1

    Rather than creating a new thread on this topic; for other stort answer questions in the hsc, you start a new page for each answer, do you also do that in this exam?
  5. Tenille

    Early Entry: Who Got In?

    :( don't deny it.
  6. Tenille

    Question about ISP...need help with music and religion

    now thats just not my job is it?
  7. Tenille

    Which will be your best module?

    where is the none of the above option?
  8. Tenille

    Question about ISP...need help with music and religion

    no use to me whatsoever...
  9. Tenille

    Question about ISP...need help with music and religion

    great mod you are.....
  10. Tenille

    Question about ISP...need help with music and religion

    it went to number one jeez i posted the link
  11. Tenille

    Why so quiet???

    my new favourite study tool. so many silly germany study games on this site hehehehehe
  12. Tenille

    Congratulations on your new moderators!

    revolution from below here we come
  13. Tenille

    ISP Advice

    Do something related to the course, kill two birds with one stone
  14. Tenille

    Congratulations on your new moderators!

    that does not even make sense!
  15. Tenille

    Congratulations on your new moderators!

  16. Tenille

    Congratulations on your new moderators!

    I give it two days before this page is half filled with announcements....
  17. Tenille

    Request for ISP diaries

    ummm 9 weeks or so, we got in at the start of term 4 had to hand it in before end of term, but everyone left it to the last minute so yeah
  18. Tenille

    Early Entry: Who Got In?

    pfft its population health *rolls eyes*
  19. Tenille

    Early Entry: Who Got In?

    nope "thank you for your application for the early entry program into the bachelor of arts (population health). unfortunately, we will not be able to offer you a guaranteed place in this course for 2005." it then goes on to say don't lose hope you could still get into uni. I still...
  20. Tenille

    Early Entry: Who Got In?

    I didnt get into population helath, i blame santa and my maths trial marks