hahah my diary was a joke, so much exaggeration.
Tenille's diary: I took notes from*insert bibliograpic detail. book was tops
reality: i skim read and took photo copies.
It was hand written to :p
Eh? what was the question?
She said: This can be seen through recent studies which show that schools of the religious sort are educating up to at least 20% of Australian students, with the number gradually increasing.
and then you said:+ I thought it was 30% not 20%!!
so then i said...
well all we did was sit in a room got told what the course involoved, a few people who work in the area and talks from current students.
were you in the unibar? i was going to go sit in there to get out of the rain but then i realised what was going on so i stayed in the rain now im getting...
Well wasent that a fun day.
I got really scared when people were carrying around folders because i had nothing but it was ok, no interviews.
I scored a pen, a ruler, chocolate and a chupa chupa good day on the whole, apart from standing around waiting for buses in the rain
Resumes don't take long to make just a quick one, microsoft word usually has a thing thats makes them up for you or you can easily find an outline on the net
- Role of USA in the UN
The US has a permanent seat on the secuirty council (with UK france Russia & china) and therefore veto power, during the cold war this was a major thing, the US would veto anything that would help the USSR, the USSR would veot anything that would help the US
- Role...
Hmmm didyou people actually get told yo had an interview, or is it only an information day for the health and behavioural sciences people. becouse i have heard nothing about an actual interview