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  1. Tenille

    Request for ISP diaries

    hahah my diary was a joke, so much exaggeration. Tenille's diary: I took notes from*insert bibliograpic detail. book was tops reality: i skim read and took photo copies. It was hand written to :p
  2. Tenille

    Does this answer the question?

    seedy old man... (game, set and match to Tenille :p)
  3. Tenille

    Does this answer the question?

    isnt the question whats the stat of non denominational schools in nsw? pfft leaves forum for a few more weeks have fun
  4. Tenille

    Does this answer the question?

    Eh? what was the question? She said: This can be seen through recent studies which show that schools of the religious sort are educating up to at least 20% of Australian students, with the number gradually increasing. and then you said:+ I thought it was 30% not 20%!! so then i said...
  5. Tenille

    Does this answer the question?

    thats a different stat
  6. Tenille

    Does this answer the question?

    20% is just catholic schools according to my notes
  7. Tenille

    early entry letters

    well all we did was sit in a room got told what the course involoved, a few people who work in the area and talks from current students. were you in the unibar? i was going to go sit in there to get out of the rain but then i realised what was going on so i stayed in the rain now im getting...
  8. Tenille

    early entry letters

    Well wasent that a fun day. I got really scared when people were carrying around folders because i had nothing but it was ok, no interviews. I scored a pen, a ruler, chocolate and a chupa chupa good day on the whole, apart from standing around waiting for buses in the rain
  9. Tenille

    campus East vs I House

    Why can't you people just share a house?
  10. Tenille

    early entry letters

    sorry darl i would not have the faintest idea about infomatics...
  11. Tenille

    early entry letters

    Resumes don't take long to make just a quick one, microsoft word usually has a thing thats makes them up for you or you can easily find an outline on the net
  12. Tenille

    early entry letters

    my letter is about 20 words long i don't even think i have to attend the day, the days schedual doesent say anything either
  13. Tenille

    Help Me!! United Nations!

    - Role of USA in the UN The US has a permanent seat on the secuirty council (with UK france Russia & china) and therefore veto power, during the cold war this was a major thing, the US would veto anything that would help the USSR, the USSR would veot anything that would help the US - Role...
  14. Tenille

    early entry letters

    Hmmm didyou people actually get told yo had an interview, or is it only an information day for the health and behavioural sciences people. becouse i have heard nothing about an actual interview
  15. Tenille

    early entry letters

    So whos going tomorrow? i don't even know where mine is anymore so i will be going early
  16. Tenille

    Help Me!! United Nations!

    What are you exactley asking? just in general or an actual question?
  17. Tenille

    early entry letters

    No you didnt
  18. Tenille

    early entry letters

    Ok thanks darl
  19. Tenille

    early entry letters

    I got my letter today where is Building 11 Kemira Room in relation to uni bar or library?
  20. Tenille

    Studies of Religion Preliminary Exam

    I don't want to hear it. relationship suspended