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  1. Tenille

    New York City

    o0o o0o0 *puts hand up* take me!
  2. Tenille

    Studies of Religion Preliminary Exam

    Again i say see above
  3. Tenille

    Studies of Religion Preliminary Exam

    *gasp* ouch
  4. Tenille

    Studies of Religion Preliminary Exam

    shhhhh you
  5. Tenille

    Studies of Religion Preliminary Exam

    See above`
  6. Tenille

    Studies of Religion Preliminary Exam

    Nah not enough peple like me...
  7. Tenille

    help, Precis Map????

    a precis map is drawn to help identify the major features on a topographic map and to show clearly the patterns they form. Each precis map should show one feature only, with several precis maps being used to compare and contrast different features found on the topographic map
  8. Tenille

    A tempoary no HECZ increase

    cause hecs isnt going up will uai's go up instead to attract more full fee paying? ...bugger
  9. Tenille

    campus East vs I House

    From a location point of view, Campus East is one train stop away or about a 40 minute walk to uow (give or take). its also relatively close to Wollongong (2 train stops). also close to supermarkets (walking distance 15 minutes but you have to walk over a hill. close to beach, pucky's esate...
  10. Tenille

    2004 Cssa

  11. Tenille

    2004 Cssa

    What was the exact wording for the religious rites question? i have lost that part of the exam paper...
  12. Tenille

    Role in Labour Movement

    im not sure if im back just hmm yeah
  13. Tenille

    Role in Labour Movement
  14. Tenille

    I got a package from UOW!!!

    I'll be there tomorrow night...maybe
  15. Tenille

    Early Entry Concern

    hey i have a 37/120i think i win. did i mention i suck at maths? but my rank isnt that bad hmmm
  16. Tenille

    The Labor party and the labour movement

    All communists are evil, duh
  17. Tenille

    I got a package from UOW!!!

    Well im going tomorrow night see you all there *rolls eyes*
  18. Tenille

    Aboriginal Spirituality dotpoints- help!

    They are not really the exact dot point (word for word) but rather the questions would provide some information for some of the dot points
  19. Tenille

    World Order

    jus cogens well thast how i say it I have a habit of tuning j's to g's