So i have had the unpleasant luck of finishing on the last day of trials and my last exam is on monday tomorrow but then on tuesday school starts up again for us. So should i take a break or not because i am happy with the effort i put into my exams so should i take a break or not?
My teachers have basically been teaching me the wrong stuff but for english trials i definitely feel as though i have achieve a minimum of 75% at least because both papers of english were pretty good for me and for the rest i am pretty confident but i am hoping to get band 5s for everything will...
do you know what i would need in trials to bump that up to an 80?
because right now i have done most of them except for biology and IPT and so far i am pretty confident
that offers new views of the world around us and changes our beliefs lol gotta maths trial in about 2 hours i need a band 6 you guys reckon its possible its CSSA papers? did legal yesterday was pretty easy i reckon but MCQ tricked a whole of people some more than others.
Did paper 2 was pretty good in my opinion but alot of people at my school didn't finish their mod c essays but other than that was fine questions actually were things i never thought would be tested but for mod c it made my essay better in my opinion
Now i got legal tomorrow then maths then...
I thought it was quite alright except for some of them i was basically bsing my way to the answer but i cant wait for Maths cos thats the one thats the hardest with the CSSA papers
i know right but its the beginning of the end so there is hope at the end of the tunnel so we can all be thankful of that
btw dont wanna tell you how to study but try not to memorise essays just memorise techniques, quotes and analysis thats how i did it and it doesn't give you any...
My school is ranked 50th in state my marks are as follows i will provide rank where i know rank
english standard 60%
maths general 90% 3rd
biology 75%
legal studies 75% around 20/60 mark
IPT 80% 3rd
No for example lets say your 35th and in the hsc you get 90 and the 35th person get 95 you get half their mark and half you mark added together so 92.5 but they round it 93
Yea now the only problem is maths cos the scaling on that is a rock so it just drops thats all, just do practice for maths to improve but if u can improve english then yes 90+ is possible dont worry about it just do your trials to the best of your ability. for maths if u need any help msg and i...
i am basically in the same boat as you but my school is top 50. i reckon you can get 90+ if you are able to do very good in trials becos a lot of people i know who smashed trials were able to in hsc take half of the mark they got for hsc and half of the persons mark who got their rank in the...
i have less than two weeks to trials (my school buys papers so we do them later then usual) and for English i am set for everything except for the short story. For the mid years i winged it and got 9/15 and the highest was 13/15. The problem is i write a story look at it and then throw it away...