So i have only one more module then i can revise for trials but the problem is my thesis suck all the time so i was hoping for some good examples for this question:
How do the texts you have studied explore the transition of individuals into new phases of life and new social contexts?
In your...
i have been working pretty hard on all my subjects during the holidays and i was wondering does the amount of time i study matter because everyday i can easily get 3-5 hours of study down total
My name is Umer
i do english standard, biology, mathematics general, legal studies, IPT
I am trying to get a 78-96 atar so i can do law at either ACU or UTS
thanks for the speedy reply it means a lot
i will use your feedback and i think i can push my marks up but i think english is my only worry but i have looked at past responses and i have written my own too and try to see where i could improve
thanks again
So far in the year i have been doing pretty bad and this is hsc year. so i was wondering whether if i improve will i be be able to improve my ATAR. My school is around 40 for rank. I am getting late 80s for general maths coming third in grade, getting 75 for biology overall, getting 53 for...