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  1. fleck27

    Did you use 1 or 2 related texts for Mdoule C?

    I used two...I didn't really prepare anything else to write other than the basic 2 points on core 1 point on related 1 point on other related 1 point on core I would have taken one out, but I had nothing else to put in it so may as well.
  2. fleck27

    how many pages per section?

    Is it 8 pages to a booklet? for Module A I wrote about 6 (least ive ever written :( ) Module B 7 Module C 8 I have really tiny 14 words on a line tho
  3. fleck27

    The Crime LCMD thread

    a few are missing because i couldnt find much on them, you might be more lucky ;) Crime Case Law Barton v. Armstrong (1973) - pressure to enter a contract Collins v. The Queen (1980) - Dietrich v. The Queen (1992) - no automatic right to legal aid R v. Anderson (1990) - criminal...
  4. fleck27

    LCMD for law and justice/human rights

    (i got a bit lazy at the end) Law and Justice Case Law Carhill v. Carbolic Smoke Ball Company (1893) - (contract law) - Mrs Carhill saw a newspaper ad stating that the manufacturers of a smoke ball would pay £100 to anybody who bought the smoke ball, used it correctly and still got flu. Mrs...
  5. fleck27

    FUNNY simpsons quotes!

    Bart: Hey Lis, you still upset about that jazz guy? Well, I believe that when you die, you can come back as whatever you like. I'll be a butterfly. Lisa: How come? Bart: 'Cause... nobody ever suspects the butterfly! (The view changes to Springfield Elementary School burned to rubble)...
  6. fleck27


    Cassie and Sid won't be in the series, so you wont ever officially know if they got together or not. That was the point of the ending, so you could make it up for yourself! Im not holding high hopes for this series, personally. A little piece of me died with Chris ;)
  7. fleck27

    Veronica Mars (aussie Airing)

    Yeah with that shitty shot of her walking down the street lol and its never raains in southern california..:rofl:
  8. fleck27

    Can someone help with a UAI estimate? (sorry)

    Yeah I'd be happy with anything over 80 I reckon, I don't really deserve much more...I've decided that getting a high uai is greedy so I'll just let someone who needs the marks have them ;) ;) ;)
  9. fleck27

    Can someone help with a UAI estimate? (sorry)

    Wow, thanks guys Better get studying then ;)
  10. fleck27

    Can someone help with a UAI estimate? (sorry)

    Bahahaha yeah its 91 my bad, I'll just fix it
  11. fleck27

    World Order quotes

    Wow thanks!
  12. fleck27

    Can someone help with a UAI estimate? (sorry)

    I know there is alot of these, but I really dont understand the system Legal Studies- 1/9- Trial Mark 92 Assessment: 87.3 Modern History- 3/15- Trial Mark 91 Assessment: 89.8 Maths General- 13/54- Trial mark 82 Assessment 80.9 English Advanced- 15/91- Trial mark 82 Assessment 82.3 Business...
  13. fleck27

    Poll : Raw Marks

    Im sweet with anything over 36.
  14. fleck27

    Easier or harder than your trials?

    About same/same I think
  15. fleck27

    Poll : Raw Marks

    I think about 85 hopefully MC 18 Short Answer: 37 Report: 18 Ex response: 15 whats that?? hmmm 88 I dont know....but I'll be really pissed if I get under 80!
  16. fleck27

    Has anyone came to realisation that hsc is tommorrow?

    Well yeah, cos i started mine today :)
  17. fleck27

    A single sentence to tell wat ur creative will be about?...

    Mine is about a teenage Palestinian boy living in a refugee camp in Lebanon who seems to have given up hope on ever returning to his homeland...then BAM some stuff happens and he is all "hopeful" and "inspired" (thank youuuuuuu modern history)
  18. fleck27

    Read Me

    Hmmm ok cos im using a source from the macquarie modern textbook (its like a kind of palestinian chant thing) i'll just write that down the bottom? better to be safe then sorry I guess
  19. fleck27

    Can we leave early? I dont think ill need the 3 hours

    Our teacher says he will kill us if he finds out we walked out early cos he reckons he must have taught us at least 3 hours of stuff this year lol
  20. fleck27

    2008 Business Studies General Thoughts

    im hoping for 18/20 35/40 17/18ish 16 so about 86/87.... pleaaaaaaaase be nice to me mr business hsc!