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Search results

  1. melsc

    HSC: Recommended websites/study guides/books

    I found Hienmann (the book my school used) to be quite good. I found Macquarie study guides better than Excel but don' t take everything they say as I remember finding a few errors in those study guides. Kepp your wits about you. The excel revise HSC Legal studies in a month was good too.
  2. melsc

    People doing law for the $$$/career prospects

    ^ I've met a heap who can't cope with its 'artsy' feel or that there is no correct answer or formula.
  3. melsc

    Faster upload?

    No matter what the site will be slow around HSC time, people want to talk about their exams, it happens every year. The admin have the site running as quicky as they can and as soon as the HSC is over it will be running fine.
  4. melsc

    Important information re uploading resources

    Re: Resources Resources that don't work or problems with a resource If you come across a resource that does not work or there is a problem with accessing/opening it or any other problem with PM me or post a message in this thread outlining the problem with the resource, the resource ID etc and...
  5. melsc


    I just wanted to wish you all the best of luck for your Legal Studies exam at 9.25am on the 8th November. You have all worked hard and will do great :) Here is a few tips that I have picked up along the way: Disclaimer: these are things that I found help me, adopt these as you see fit. This...
  6. melsc


    I do MQ Arts/Law they and have a fantasticly flexible Arts degree which allows for a lot of freedom of choice. I have found MQ good but I cant say much abt ANU except that they are well regarded for law also. Just remember to keep ur options open, after law school you may decide u want to...
  7. melsc


    I wonder if it would include things like when I was in year 12 and due to a lack of funding 3/5 of my subjects had face to face teaching time 80 mins - 2 hrs less than normal time per fortnight and different levels of language classes combined.
  8. melsc


    I would have given it a go when I did my HSC, especially because of the circumstances at my school.
  9. melsc

    Need advice/tips/help - 2 exams in one day

    Do not cram in that one hour break, relax and let your brain rest. Eat a good lunch (something that will keep your energy levels up and keep u full - low gi food) and drink some water. Most importantly relax do not cram and let your brain switch off
  10. melsc

    Illnesses, injuries, breakages.. what have you got/had??

    Asthma (only slight residual from childhood) Anemia (on and off) Hashimoto's disease Broken wrist (by falling down three stairs)
  11. melsc

    girls i need your opinions!

    Yeah, some people change as soon as they get a symptom rather than letting it settle and continue to do it until which makes it worse.
  12. melsc

    girls i need your opinions!

    Read your pill packet, I'm on Levlen ED and it is listed as a side effect. How long have you been on it? I'd talk to your doctor but they will probably suggest you stick it out for a month or two and if the symptoms persist they might then change your pill to a lower dose. I remember I felt...
  13. melsc

    spring session exam timetable out

    No we had to do them all and the critical question
  14. melsc

    spring session exam timetable out

    I think I had the same situation last year. Who is your tutor, does Katrina still teach it? Criminal law was ok, we had a few problem questions and a criticial question on objective mens rea in sexual assault - you'll be fine :)
  15. melsc

    Legal Assignment

    It sounds like a uni problem question not a legal studies question, I dont remember doing torts in that much detail.
  16. melsc

    procedure after successful/failed inter-uni transfer?

    Above poster is right, the uni you are at doesnt cancel your enrolment just because you have a UAC application in. Thats for you to do when you get in. Do not withdraw before just in case. It also cost nothing at UWS to withdraw, but you did need to pay up all outstanding fees and hand in...
  17. melsc

    Communal Masturbation

    Not really
  18. melsc

    Legal Assignment

    It says ur HSC was 2006 is it this for legal studies or are u at uni??
  19. melsc

    Communal Masturbation

    I've never understood why some males do this, it does seem a bit odd that you want to all sit together while you do it. It should not be a communal thing...
  20. melsc

    Law Wiki

    Legal encyclopedias aren't too bad, only problem with a law wiki would be the same problem as regular wiki, people would be able to edit it and would it be reliable.