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  1. melsc

    Weird Beeping

    hello 2-5 year olds play lil kiddy games on it...in about 5 years they have killed about 3 CDRWs
  2. melsc

    Weird Beeping

    Its just a tiny case...trying to be stylish think its only a 500mhz processor, windows 98 and watever...but I'll def post back when I have had a look inside :D *or have thrown it out onto the mainroad and run over it*
  3. melsc

    Weird Beeping

    I know that...I just think he cause problems by forcing an oversize one in...
  4. melsc

    Weird Beeping

    awwww ur sweet b ut I can fix it myself I hope :p. I think my dad said he's gonna open it now... he tells me the new CDRW was a lil long for the tower *its and old really compact one* so he pushed it in *rolles eyes* no biggie...its only the computer the kids play on at his work
  5. melsc

    Weird Beeping

    Really coz the computer wont even boot up its a series of quick beeps, I'll ahve to take a look at it...but right now I cant be bothered to pull it apart, I think i'll do it in the morning THANKS for all ur help guys
  6. melsc

    Weird Beeping

    Since nothing shows up on the monitor i'd say RAM...I'll have to take a took tho
  7. melsc

    Weird Beeping

    Yeh I think this time I'll pull it apart, I am usually the one that deals with the hardware...I think he may have been a bit rough with it...he probably made something loose...
  8. melsc

    Weird Beeping

    I agree with you both and it does sound like a bomb going off lol
  9. melsc

    Weird Beeping

    My dad recently installed a new CDRW into his work computer *I knew I shouldnt have let him done it* I went to test it today and when you turn it on nothing comes up on the screen and the computer omits a frequent beeping sound...what could be wrong with it...did he maybe leave something loose???
  10. melsc

    different law schools

    I forgot about that...I just hate mabo...I am so over it
  11. melsc

    legal case studies?

    take a trip into the legal forum http://www.boredofstudies.org/community/forumdisplay.php?f=24 more specifically http://www.boredofstudies.org/community/forumdisplay.php?f=488 this subforum contains threads on workplace and other options Have you tried www.austlii.edu.au - it has all...
  12. melsc

    different law schools

    That looks like the kind of questions I got last year on native title...don't tell me you have to do mabo and wik again after doing in history then prelim legal...blah
  13. melsc

    different law schools

    I still like the law society's made up case for mock trial Lympp V Biskit
  14. melsc

    different law schools

    now it makes sense... He was like: "So the witness says "I saw joe bloggs in a green car" "then you have to say, I put it to you that joe bloggs was in a red car" I'd say why do you always use that name.,..I guess its the result of a legal education
  15. melsc

    different law schools

    My legal teacher always used "Joe Bloggs" then got annoyed when the class kept asking him why he used it all the time...so its a law school thing???
  16. melsc

    different law schools

    my friends gave me one...but I can remember what it was...Chinese names are much more interesting too many people are called Melissa...its so boring maybe I should start using my greek middle name :p
  17. melsc

    different law schools

    I wish I was in uni now...high school sucks! Right now I am typing up notes for Global Environmental law which is the most boring topic ever...if I have to explain why declarations are soft law and treaties are hard law pursuant to artcile 38(1) ICJ statute I am going to scream!!! LOL :D
  18. melsc


    Take it from someone who has brought and sold items on ebay: That for started is a in demand brand name item...EBAY isnt good for everything but honestly use your common sense...its just like shopping at the shops, shop around and look for the best deal, there are a lot of barginsbut done...
  19. melsc

    different law schools

    are you boys still on cars :rollseyes: can we please get back on topic...
  20. melsc

    different law schools

    he has a new name ilovetehrep