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  1. Katsumi

    2014 HSC Journal: Katsumi

    Update 19/06/2014 Got rekt by the General Math prelim course as i thought i would be able to cover half the textbook in a very small time-frame. This puts me a fair bit behind on my English Schedule but i'll manage somehow General Math Preliminary Topics 3,4,6,8,10,11 General Math...
  2. Katsumi

    soo... hows trials revision been going for everyone?

    I'm stressing a fair lot. I've pretty much finished my revision for general math and have 8 days to revise all 4 topics for Business Studies and finish my preparation for Standard English, along with past papers for both. Going to be working on Standard for the rest of this weekend
  3. Katsumi

    2014 HSC Journal: Katsumi

    Update 18/06/2014 Well this will be my first real update in a while seeming that i got my laptop back earlier today. I have spent the last 5 days mainly on General Math while doing basic class learning for all of my other subjects. I plan to spend half of tomorrow covering preliminary topics...
  4. Katsumi

    2014 HSC Journal: Katsumi

    have pretty much been doing ~9 hours of math per day since i last updated in my pursuit to cover all of the general math content in around 5-6 days. I am 8/11 topics done so hopefully i can finish up on that tomorrow. From there i really need to start studying business and english
  5. Katsumi

    2014 HSC Journal: Katsumi

    well no replacement laptop and there is a high chance that i have lost all of my IPT and Business HR notes..........
  6. Katsumi

    2014 HSC Journal: Katsumi

    laptop completely gg'd with trials in 2 weeks. Hoping to get a replacement tommorow since my last update covered the first part of key influences in business completed the first 2 topics in general math (only 9 to go) did module C reading for standard to improve my essays got my english...
  7. Katsumi

    atar estimate please

    alright now this one got me
  8. Katsumi

    How much study did you do in your term 2 holidays?

    I did absolutely nothing for the first 9 days in which i originally planned to the bulk of my trial preparation. Over the last 5 days i have been doing ~8 hours of work a day but i can't say i have been the peak of efficient. Looking forward to the next 2 weeks
  9. Katsumi

    2014 HSC Journal: Katsumi

    Update 12/07/2014 I really need to get my anxiety levels down... well back to school on Monday and i can't say i am quite looking forward to it. I really need to put my foot down and just not let up until the trials because at this point i am far from prepared IPT Notes Topic 3...
  10. Katsumi

    Post-holiday reflections

    Trials in 2 weeks ye Study routine Well i am not going to have another 'school holidays' so i should of studied for the first half of them. Now for >6 hours of daily study burningoutisforloosers.avi Subjects Standard English - Need to practice essays fuk General Math - I know...
  11. Katsumi

    Motivation to study and not give up on HSC?

    Realize that you are really close to the end and you only need to do a great job in the next 2 exam blocks to get a good ATAR. I like to think that i am only one step away and just have to make that final push
  12. Katsumi

    2014 HSC Journal: Katsumi

    Update 11/07/2014 Another day of solid work, IPT and getting frustrated at Samuel "i can write 7 paragraphs on a concept that can be explained in a sentence" Davis. Communication systems took much longer than anticipated. Tomorrow i'll focus on a bit of IPT and finish up my Business Studies...
  13. Katsumi

    2014 HSC Journal: Katsumi

    Update 10/07/2014 Worked all day again and made some mediocre progress. I have class notes for the rest of my IPT topics covering almost everything so i'm not extremely worried about the subject anymore. I'll likely stop hardcoring IPT and try to mix a few other subjects in to my schedule...
  14. Katsumi

    2014 HSC Journal: Katsumi

    Update 09/07/2014 Another ~9 hours of work on IPT and honestly not much to show for it really. I feel that i better understand the subject as a whole now though and am more confident in my ability to answer questions in general. IPT Notes Topic 2 (Information Systems and Databases) - 4/6...
  15. Katsumi

    2014 HSC Journal: Katsumi

    Update 08/07/2014 I worked for around 8 hours today but everything is coming along pretty slowly... I have just been working on my IPT notes as it's the only subject that i desire notes for yet do not have them. IPT Notes Topic 1 (Project Management) Complete! IPT Notes Topic 2...
  16. Katsumi

    2014 HSC Journal: Katsumi

    Update 07/07/2014 Other than running off around ~2 hours of sleep due to messing up my body clock over the past week today has been quite good. My work ethic is back up to the standard that i want it to be and while i'm anxious of hell with a mountain of work to get through in order to be in...
  17. Katsumi

    CONQUER YOUR HSC TRIALS-free seminars-from a 99+ student

    Great seminar, i took a fair lot out of it and learned many things that will very likely allow me to maximize my potential throughout Belonging. Highly recommending it to any future HSC students come 2015.
  18. Katsumi

    Data Flow Diagram Question

    Data Flow Diagrams are not my specialty but each of those seem fine to me. I would steer clear of the unnecessarily complex symbols such as the "entity with ID and location mention" and try to stick to the syllabus as much as possible, you can't be marked down through not going beyond that...
  19. Katsumi

    2014 HSC Journal: Katsumi

    Update 06/07/2014 Since i last updated i have done absolutely nothing school related, played a huge amount of flash games, watched 4 seasons of breaking bad and 2 seasons of anime. I regret this so damn much. On Tuesday i looked at the Peter Skrzynecki poems for belonging and just freaked...
  20. Katsumi

    2014 HSC Journal: Katsumi

    Update 30/06/2014 Done little to nothing this holidays so far, started working again today but i really have to start doing a lot more to get properly prepared for the trials in a few weeks. Attended 5 and a half hours of English HSC Preparation seminars at my school A lot of...