yeah it is most of the course are offered either in semester 1 or semester 2 only
Egyptian Hierogyphs A and B- I think it is offered in semester 1 or 2 respectively so you have that every year in one semester
It is a new subjects in 2004
You are supposed to do Econ 100 level first before doing Econ 200 so they make it clash as they don't see any problem since you need 100 level prerequisite to do Econ 200
But in Macquarie summer course is very intensive only about 1 month so you need to consider carefully if you want to take it. I heard in USYD is 2 months I wish it is the same too in Macquarie.
yeah it is for the purpose of internal transfers and honours. But still if you have HD and D in Macquarie you still aim for the high because 90 and 76, in your prospective employers' eyes, 90 is much better even though they carry same GPA.
Economics needs to understand a lot of theory and it can be quite mostrous task to do well especially in 200 level and 300 level economics with have deeper analysis and theory.
But I think I like Econometrics though =)
yeah but still you can see your mark in your academic transcript. Consider that someone get HD and D, your prospective employer will be glad to see 90 than 76 right even though it carries same GPA.
I don't think most of the 100 level subjects in EFS division are difficult provided that you put effort in your study.At least, pass or credit are guaranteed. If you want to get HD it is possible too.
just to let you all know Econ 201 is more than twice difficult as Macroeconomics in 100 level. I put myself in trouble by taking Econ 200 and 201 in summer course -.-'
I got ECON 200 textbook, i am taking it during summer course.
I will consider it to sell you if you want =) considering if i pass the subject ...
and Econ 232 is the same textbook as Econ 141 i think by Gujarati.
Forget it about accounting...