Re: Top 20 in Course List
I wish I had managed to catch this yesterday. I was seriously worried about doing shitty/failing Business Services, but now that I look at it today, I came second hahahahah
Awesome :)
Im interested in going to UNE, but I dont really know much about the city at all, only that the last and only time I went there it was friggen FREEZING!
Can anyone give me a few good points?
Ahhh, I searched on google and cant find the correct set of proofreading symbols, like the ones used in the 2007 exam....does anyone have all of them? I dont know what they are :(
Probably the wrong forum.
Id say Modern and Ancient are equally as demanding, however I have heard that Modern is harder. Physics would be less demanding in that its you wouldn't be required to hand in lengthy essays such as you would be for the history subjects, but its probably more...
My biggest problem with this subject is that I do it at TAFE- basically all of the modules are pass/fail which means i have never been given a standard test in which to gauge my abilities on. We did the trial, but apparently its TAFE policy now to not give us our marks, so I never found out if I...
I would urge people to stay away from this subject, not because it is boring but because it is poorly taught and hard to grasp a whole and complete understanding of the course!