2023 HSC chat (1 Viewer)


New Member
May 7, 2022
was i useful
yes it was really helpful, my teacher only gave me feedback on that draft at 8pm yesterday (it’s due 8am today for reference - but granted she has already given me feedback on like 5 other drafts) so pretty much all of my improvement yesterday came thanks to you. if I get a good mark it’s dedicated to you 😍


Oct 28, 2022
Getting deported
Tbh if women, explicit materials and money is the only reason why you're functioning then that's an incredibly sad life and I would recommend to change and try to make some friends or people and try to see them in a differently light. I have friends who can act in a degenerate manner even so they know limits and don't treat me as a web form with a face which has allowed me to talk to them and be around them. While you may claim that it is impossible for you to make good proper friends I'll say that trying to make friends is better then living a miserable life on the internet.

Trust me on this as I spend a lot of time on the internet chatting with people, watching anime, youtube or browsing the web and I have a pretty bad habit of assuming a lot of people I have to deal with hate me or want to deal with me as little as possible which has led me to somewhat isolate myself from others. So I know it's really something that should be avoided as in the end real friends are not the same as internet friends as internet friends can disappear as eventually they'll stop using the internet to chat and probably don't care that much about you as all you truely are to them is just somebody behind a screen they barely know. But with real friends they'll stay so appreciate them and don't think they're and tell them replaceable because they're not and you should really realize that now or in the near future before you destroy yourself and any chance of a proper friendship as real friends will defiantly help you through tough times because that's what good friends do.

So I do encourage you to not continue going down the path I'm already somewhat in and try to change (which you'll never know is possible until you truly actual try) and uni does present the opportunity for this as there's activities like societies and other uni events and you can use them to explore yourself and actually enjoy life. So try to break free of the idea that women is the only thing worthwhile in the world and explore make friends, find new hobbies/interests and improve yourself because they will hopefully allow you to turn over a new leaf.
Don’t interfere this is a canon event


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2022
Well not exactly women. I aint gettin any. I just want a shit ton of money so I can buy all the stuff I want. I want video games though. I don't want friends. I stlil think their a waste of time. I only feel lonely when hot waifus ignore me. But there's gonna be none of them in uni so I don't need to worry. I still have my family and my siblings. My family is pretty close. My uncle says that he'll get me a job at jb-hi-fi(he's owns a store or something). we are all pretty connected. My parents don't have any friends and they don't seem to care much. I would rather jerk off than hang out wiht friends. I would rather eat bymyself than eat with friends. I would rather play a pirated movie on my laptop than watch with friends.

I know that my peers dislike me. I did an experiment 2 years ago. I made an anonymous account on instagram so I could follow hot girls from my school, so I could jerk off to them. I also followed dudes, so the girls wouldn't realize what I was doing. It was a nice year. It felt like I was in high school with porn actors lol. A few girls didn't let me follow them so I used my real name and not only did those same girls not let me follow them, even more girls and dudes did not let me follow them. An anonymous account is more popular than me. My peers don't like me.

Not only this. One of my friends reported to me that someone who I share a few classes with told my friend to avoid me because I'm a "bad person" apparently. I never did anything to him. I may have asked a few of his female friend's male friends why they weren't getting with the girls. And this might have given me a bad reputation. Still though. I never bullied my classmates. I never harrased them. I did/do treat annoying people like they're subhuman. Aka I refuse to talk to them. They're garbage and interactions with them are a waste of my time.

I had to charge my laptop in the library, and teh only charging station was near a group of girls, so I sat near them. They fucking glared at me and talked amongst each other wishing i would leave. When I was right next to them. I eventually asked one of them to watch my laptop and fucked of to somewhere with better reception to read reddit.

In year 10 a bunch of racial comments were made against me and not one of the students stood up for me not even the SRC whom was friends with this guy. The aggressor was pretty popular, and I saw the hypocrtical nature of people. People in my school are worse than me. they just group up and get away with it. It's admirable and makes them feel like humans imo.

And in year 10, my beloved Pixel 3 XL was stolen by douchbags at the school. I still miss it.

My peers don't like me, and I don't like them. I don't hate them, but I would never talk to them. I have no desires to interact wiht them ever, and in computer science, there will just be more of these annoying douchbags. Even if they were cool, I would still rather jerk off than hang with them.

I prefer single player games. I don't enjoy coding. I don't want to waste my time with socities. I even joke with my friends about the existance of hook up societies and how they would instatly become the most popular society. I want to jerk off in peace.

If I want to do something I can do it myself. I don't like people slowing me down. When we went to luna park for our Physics excursion, I ran away from my friends, and had a way better time than I would if I stuck with them. I would have like to have hung out with asian waifus. On that excusoin an Asian girl actually spoke to me. SHe asked me "are you excited", while we were seated next to each other on the hair raiser. I even bragged about it on reddit I said "yes". From what I remembered she was pretty hot despite her boobs being tiny. I bragged to my friends for weeks, and still bring it up. I don't get these emotions talking to a dude.

I only want to hang out with smoking hot asian girls. idc what anyone says. I would like to go to Japan or South Korea, but lets be real, If I can't get an asian waifu in Australia I won't get one in those countires. and imo the only good think about Japan and SOuth Korea are hot girls. Anime and Niintendo are also good, but they can be enjoyed in the comfort of my home
Look you obviously don't want help to change so I'll stop however, I'll give a few points of advice on how to not get disciplinary action from uni or work as some of the stuff you posted here is not acceptable and is really concerning.

Don't talk about your intimate desires and don't ask people about their intimate lives and why they aren't getting any actions because it's an incredibly uncomfortable topic and likely will break some uni and workplace rules due to it being a very intimate matter. Also even though I've said this before I will emphasizes don't call people who you are less capable in a subject or you don't like mean names as while you might not think they care they probably do and if they decided to report it then the only possible outcome is disciplinary action.

Another thing is be careful of what you say on the internet because it is possible for future employers to stumble across the stuff you said and judging from how you rant about stuff you don't like won't be a good thing considering some of the things you have claimed to have called a class who were less capable in maths then you and said on here do not reflect well on your character at all.

Lastly in the end your life is up to you if you think you can live like the way you want then go for it but if you do want to change for some reason it's up to you as in the end only you can change yourself.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2021
Lol I'm mentally damaged. But I don't talk, so I never got picked up the services in teh school that find disabled kids. Most teachers assume I'm lazy and weird. One of my teachers has my personality close. She thinks I'm manipulative and deceptive and called me that in class. I felt so happy :). I felt like Ayanokoji, but he's a genius lol


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2022
I know. I just don't care. Leave me alone and I leave you alone. That's my motto
Well you should care as doing stuff like treating people in standard maths like "glorified gorillas" is completely unacceptable and you need to actually sit down and think about your actions and what you have posted here because in the end they will come back and bite you and judging from what you have said here they'll bite you hard as this sort of stuff is not and should not be acceptable anywhere.


Jul 24, 2021
Sydney, Australia
Lol I'm mentally damaged. But I don't talk, so I never got picked up the services in teh school that find disabled kids. Most teachers assume I'm lazy and weird. One of my teachers has my personality close. She thinks I'm manipulative and deceptive and called me that in class. I felt so happy :). I felt like Ayanokoji, but he's a genius lol
Thinking about this stuff is one thing but why do u say it on an education forum lmao or put it on the internet in general r u not ashamed or embarrassed

Average Boreduser

Rising Renewal
Jun 28, 2022
Are they gonna give me hot waifus? I'll just spend my money on video games
Please take some time to reflect. Do something. MEDITATE. You've been on the net day and night, slowly giving away your soul to pixels and random people on the net. Answer this, is this what you want to be seen as in the real world? You've explained that you only care about your family... well, you're essentially hurting your family. Do you think they'll gain anything positive from you going on a BoredOfStudies forum talking about all this abusive crap to innocent women, duly because of your desires that you want played out with a real human being? Does this paint a good picture on them?

This is genuinely disgusting. You're vile. Honestly horrendous.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2021
Well you should care as doing stuff like treating people in standard maths like "glorified gorillas" is completely unacceptable and you need to actually sit down and think about your actions and what you have posted here because in the end they will come back and bite you and judging from what you have said they'll bite you hard as this sort of stuff is not and should not be acceptable anywhere.
I do. My peers harrassed me for years. Stole my phone. I felt a closer emotional connection to that phone than most my friends. I want nothing to do with my peers. Even right now I feel sadder about the loss of that phone, than one of my freinds going to a different school in year 10. Most of them do math standard. I'm physcally very small, same size as a white girl. They have threatened to beat me up before, and are dangerous if I don't approach them in a certian way, so I must treat them like gorillas for my own safety. They justify these actions by moral highroading me.

Luckily now, I don't share classes with them, so ignoring them is easy. I just keep my eyes low and avoid eyecontact, just like with a real gorilla.

I think my actions are fine. Most people in the school just jump to theeir own conclusions about me which are mostly rumors. I just sit in the corner and never interact with them and sit by myself and that gives me an awful repution for doing nothign wrong. Although I do ask sexual questions to teh guy who's friends with girls who keeps trying to talk to me, that might be negatively affecting me. If my peers never interacted with me, they would never notice me


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2021
Thinking about this stuff is one thing but why do u say it on an education forum lmao or put it on the internet in general r u not ashamed or embarrassed
Well I like playing devil's advocate. that's what my friends' say about me lol. I'll stop if you all stop, and probably never bring this up against, if I need to post.

And I don't care even a little bit about ur opinionos


Oct 28, 2022
Getting deported
honesly stop wasting ur time guys theres no point
hes gone too far lmao i doubt anything u say will do anything
i think hes depressed bc instead of changing his life (going gym, trying to study instead of starting at the wall for 6 hours, establishing human connections, seeing people as humans) he clearly won't so just let him fall deeper in this rabbit hole this is not ur problem or something u have the capacity to fix


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2021
Please take some time to reflect. Do something. MEDITATE. You've been on the net day and night, slowly giving away your soul to pixels and random people on the net. Answer this, is this what you want to be seen as in the real world? You've explained that you only care about your family... well, you're essentially hurting your family. Do you think they'll gain anything positive from you going on a BoredOfStudies forum talking about all this abusive crap to innocent women, duly because of your desires that you want played out with a real human being? Does this paint a good picture on them?

This is genuinely disgusting. You're vile. Honestly horrendous.
I conviced my sibligns to go to a different high school so they don't get affected by me. Well I intent to reclaim part of my life in uni. I'm gonna gym for my own health, play more video games and spend less time on the internet and take adderall so I become much smarter. I'll be more complete in uni.

My fathe dones't care I have no friends. He didn't either. My mother call me a "Lonely weirdo". Personally I don't really mind. Actually I do work 45 minutes, and foum 15 mins. I'm gonna stay up till 2 am tonight so I have lots of time to kill :)

Idc if you think i'm vile. You're free to your opinion. I just think with my mind.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2021
honesly stop wasting ur time guys theres no point
hes gone too far lmao i doubt anything u say will do anything
i think hes depressed bc instead of changing his life (going gym, trying to study instead of starting at the wall for 6 hours, establishing human connections, seeing people as humans) he clearly won't so just let him fall deeper in this rabbit hole this is not ur problem or something u have the capacity to fix
Thank you it's none of your buisness.

I have no itention to interact with my peers. I'm liek david attenbough and they're like animals. I'm not a danger


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2021
I would never want to meet you either. I know the stuff I say and do I weird. I know how weird it looks to other people, and how embarrased or shameful you might feel if you posted. I just don't care myself.

I already know my chances with waifus are gonna be next to zero. No waifus in comp sci, so we can eliminate them there. A sexy nurse asian girl would be pretty nice. You could do submissive nurse role play with her, and she would be your submissive perosnal asian nurse, and I could get with that. SHe would also make decent money, but less than you so you can feel like the man of the house. Still though my chance of meeting a sexy asian nurse is also low. There is no way I'm gonna get invited to whereever Asian girl nurses hang, and even if I did, I would creepily read reddit in the corner. In my culture(pakistan) we get arranged married by our parents. So I guess I'll do that. Shame they're not waifus though

I have no desire to speak with anyone like me. My favourite place is my tutoring, because they litterally don't even talk to me. It's so nice not having to talk to anyone. People in school should take note. Anyway I either want to hang out with hot submissive asian waifus, or no one at all.
do a nursing degree?

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