guys i need serious help idk if i should appeal for this. i got dragged into a meeting about my "terrible" handwriting in my English trial and got told that i did far below my average, which I'm normally at a band 6 level. I've gotten half of it back and got 9 on my craft of writing and a 6 on my common module, but when i look at my writing the parts they haven't highlighted because it "wasn't decipherable' actually is quite readable. from an unbiased view, i can genuinely read way over half of what has not been highlighted.
apparently i cannot read back to the markers again my work so they can mark it accordingly, is there a specific policy that states this for trials? or should i get the school to flag it on some grounds (to be fair i did have a severe family death two weeks before trials where i had to become the primary caretaker for my siblings for two weeks)