This isn't cyclical climate change. Sea levels don't rise 1 to 10 metres in 50 years under "cyclical climate change".iamsickofyear12 said:...and that would be a fairly reasonable argument if it was possible to stop cyclical climate change.
There's some coverage of that here: said:Thanks badquinfaggot. That is not a ramification. What will a warming globe do? Melt ice which will raise the sea level by a metre? This is good in my opinion. What else? Make cold places more temperate? Good thing. More tropicalisms? Goood. Bad things include, less polar bears.........less eskimos.....??? profit.
Basically: dry areas turn into mega-droughts and deserts, wet areas get flooded and battered by super-storms and hurricanes, lots of coastal places world-wide sink, lots of plantlife and animal life dies out (including crops), and there's a high chance of a triggering a run-away greenhouse effect similar to the conditions that made the dinosaurs extinct.
Needless to say, any one of those factors alone would cause trillions of dollars of damage and cause the movement of tens of millions of refugees. That's not something you just sit on and say "chillaxe mahn, it's all good".