alexdore993 said:
In bold are the adaptions I made.
It should be noted, that even the IPCC predicts only a 54 cm sea level rise by 2100 and their model was based on faulty evidence.
Yes, they
underestimated it. Pissed me off because I had to change all my figures and calculations in an assignment. Besides, even if it was only 54cm, do you know how significant that is?
They predicted that the temperature would continue to rise, where it has decreased since 1998.
Also they based their models on the theoretical (but incorrect, based on measurements in the stratosphere, carbon dioxide in ice samples etc.) idea that heating follows increased concentrations of carbon dioxide. This has been shown to be false. Yet still the IPCC purport this lie - they were after all created to show the link.
Correct. So it's lucky for us deniers that they won't be rising 1 to 10 metres. You say you don't follow Al Gore, but that is a typical Al Gore statistic, supported by not even the most extreme scientists.
I don't listen to Al Gore, so kindly stop bringing him up. You're embarrassing yourself.
The IPCC, which has done so much to spread alarmism only predicts a 54cm sea level rise in a whole century! That's much less than the '1 to 10 metres' you suggest, within half that time.
54cm, as based on the underestimated figures (admittedly bad science there - damage forecasts should really be
overestimated), is a fucktonne of SLR.
As to the rest of the post.... Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. It's that simple. Even the IPCC doesn't predict this - someone's being listening to Tim Flannery and Al Gore too much.... The former, who is a scientist, suggested this year that sulfur dioxide should be injected in massive quantities into the stratosphere which would make the sky yellow, to slow global warming. What... an... idiot.
I might add, probably needlessly, that if that SO2 were to diffuse into the troposphere we would have a MASSIVE acid rain problem.
Not necessarily an acid rain problem, and while it's technologically unfeasible, it's hypothetically sound.
Oh, but you don't know the difference between theory, hypothesis and what both actually mean, do you?
Theory: That word; I do not think it means what you think it means.