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Official Apology Thread (3 Viewers)

For or against "apology"?

  • Sorry was necessary.

    Votes: 81 55.5%
  • Sorry wasn't appropriate.

    Votes: 32 21.9%
  • I couldn't give a toss about them or an apology

    Votes: 33 22.6%

  • Total voters


New Member
Mar 19, 2007
Re: Rudd to say Sorry on February 12

Optophobia said:
You said:

"Cool, that happens to migrants everyday."

If it's happening everyday, then it must have happened over the past couple of months. There is no government policy in force today, which targets immigrants. The only people who target immigrants are deluded individuals.
So we discount past wrongs against immigrants that were present in the past because they haven't happened in the past few months? But we have to apologise to Aboriginals for past actions even if they weren't committed in the past few months?

Your argument is holding onto a thread attacking a hyperbole. Fail.

Are you calling them liars? Are you saying it didn't happen like that?
I'll assume you are unable to read so I'll restate it.
A movie loosely based on a book which is based on true story from personal account is exactly what happened and obviously unbiased. And it is also obviously the best source to use.:D
That is how I got through my last law exam. I simply had to quote the movie script as the ratio for the case it was based on. Everyone knows that movies are the best source. They don't get manipulated at all, especially if based on hearsay.

Enlighten me? :rolleyes:
That's OK :D
Yawn...you're so smart having read intro to law books for policing. If only I could compete with your knowledge in the workings of governments.


New Member
Mar 19, 2007
Re: Rudd to say Sorry on February 12

Optophobia said:

4. Why should Australians today apologise for something we aren’t responsible for?
Individual Australians are not providing the apology. The apology is being provided by the Australian Government in recognition of policies of past governments. Similarly, the former Australian Government apologised to Vietnam veterans for the policies of previous governments. The current Government is apologising for wrongful policies of governments. No individual Australian is being asked to take personal responsibility for actions of past governments.
Everybody enjoys doublethink.


Jun 7, 2005
I got 30 for my UAI woo hoo.
Re: Rudd to say Sorry on February 12

Zrap said:
You'se are all pathetic.
Put yourself in their shoes for a second and witness the trauma,
physically, emotionally/mentally, spiritually.
Everyday they were hurt this way, abused by 'white' folks, and told
to forget their original culture, lifestyle and tradition.
Put yourself in their shoes, some were even lucky to have shoes, and imagined get traumatised by witnessing a rape or forcefully being involved, just imagine not remembering who you are? where your from? your family?
Please read the papers before you talk about it on BOS.
Why haven't they compensated land now?
There not going to compensate land based on the moral values of this
apology. So stop fucking crying about it.
"Argh my house will be taken from me bullshit" - grow up?
The past cannot be changed obviously, but past wounds can be healed.
The process of reconciliation must start with a candid recognition of what took place. - THE FORCIBLE REMOVAL OF MANY ABORIGINAL CHILDREN FROM THEIR PARENTS AND COMMUNITIES
Watch Rabbit proof fence she escaped 3 times from their harsh rules. Obviously this must show some extent of the vicious conditions they were placed under and yet they dont deserve a simple apology?
This apology signals a new beginning for Australia and Australians. Moving forward with more complete vision of our past will allow us to create more
compassionate and generous future. This would be the start of the healing process.
So what's wrong with an apology?

African Americans went through slavery they didn't whine like the Aboriginals did just for a apology.


Re: Rudd to say Sorry on February 12

I'm sorry everyone. You know why, and I'm sorry.


Jan 30, 2008
Re: Rudd to say Sorry on February 12

chicky_pie said:
African Americans went through slavery they didn't whine like the Aboriginals did just for a apology.
Martin Luther King ring any bells?


Feb 9, 2008
Re: Rudd to say Sorry on February 12

This blasphemous use of the word apology!
"For even if I made you sorry with my letter, I do not regret it, though I did regret it, for I see that that letter grieved you, though only for a while. As it is, I rejoice, not because you were grieved, but because you were grieved into repenting; for you felt a Godly grief, so that you suffered no loss through us. For Godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation and brings no regret, but worldly grief produces death." (2 Corinthians 7:8-10 RSV)

Che Guevara

New Member
Dec 16, 2007
Re: Rudd to say Sorry on February 12

Zrap said:
Martin Luther King ring any bells?
His real name was not even Martin Luther King. Probably a cover given to him to push his message.

Some people claim that Martin Luther King Jr. was not a Communist, even though he did everything possible to promote the Communist's agenda. That's like saying that Hitler was not a murderer because he didn't actually do the killing. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Communist! Martin Luther King was affiliated with 60 Communist Fronts. He openly incited violence under the banner of "nonviolence." King led a bizarre sex life which included acts of shocking perversion. On Jan. 31, 1977 Coretta Scott King obtained a federal court order sealing for 50 years 845 pages of FBI records about her husband, "because its release would destroy his reputation!" Still a cowardly, spineless Congress voted to make King's birthday a national holiday. This is should be an outrage to all Christians. The King Holiday act must be repealed!
The life story of Martin Luther King is shocking and disgraceful from beginning to end. He was born with the name Michael King on Jan. 15, 1929. In 1935 his preacher father, "Daddy" King, decided to name himself after the great Protestant reformer Martin Luther. He announced to his congregation that henceforth he was to be called Martin Luther King and his son Martin Luther King, Jr. "Daddy" King never bothered to have this act legalized in court. Thus, his son's real name is Michael King! The holiday should actually be called "Michael" King Day!

It was not some "right-winger" who had King's office and hotel rooms bugged. This order was signed by then U.S. Attorney General Bobby Kennedy on Oct. 10, 1963. Evidence proved that King was under the direct orders of Soviet spies and financed by the Communist Party. The Kennedy tapings continued for 5 years and also developed shocking revelations regarding King's sexual practices.

African American, Bayard Rustin is a former organizer for the Young Communist League. He spent 60 days in a California jail on a 1953 conviction for performing lewd homosexual acts in public. He also served 28 months in prison for draft evasion. Today Rustin is paid by Jewish organizations for use of his name as a "signer" of ads urging "Black-Jewish Unity." He was King's secretary and advisor from 1956 to 1960. During this period Rustin attended the National Convention of the Communist Party in 1957 as an "honored observer." King called him a "a brilliant, efficient, and dedicated organizer." It was Rustin who introduced King to a Soviet spy named Stanley D. Levison. He was a New York Lawyer and vice-president of the N.Y. Council of the American Jewish Congress. Levison's job was to launder the $1million subsidy Soviet Russia gave to finance the U.S. Communist Party. Levison proved important financial, organizational and public relations services for King. After King's death his wife, Coretta Scott King described Levison's role as, "always working in the background, his contribution has been indispensable." Levison wrote an obituary for King and described America as a "nation tenaciously racist... sick with violence...and corrosive with alienation. The civil rights liberation struggle is the most positive and rewarding area of work anyone could experience."
The money which the Soviet Union funneled to Levison came from a Jew named Isidore G. Needleman. He was a KGB secret police agent who fronted as an officer of AMTORG, the trading company in New York City which buys U.S. goods for shipment to Russia. There are so many Jews in the Communist Party the FBI hired two Jewish brothers, Morris Childs and Jack Childs as spies planned inside the Communist Party. For 30 years, Morris Childs was formerly a member of the National Committee of the Communist party and once served as editor of the Daily Worker. Childs reported that after the death of the Jew William Weiner, who was treasurer of the Communist Party, it was Stanley Levison who took over this vital post.

In 1945 the International Labor Defense and the National Federation for Constitutional Liberties merged with the Marxist inspired National Negro Congress to form the Civil Rights Congress (CRC). The CRC was led by an open black Communist lawyer by the name of William L. Patterson who defended minority hoodlums and left wing radicals. King knew, respected, and worked with Communists including members of the Communist Party USA. He was an admirer of Ben Davis, a fellow native of Atlanta who was elected "the first Communist Councilman from Harlem." He certainly admired William L. Patterson, a Communist leader nicknamed "Mr. Civil Rights."


New Member
Mar 19, 2007
Re: Rudd to say Sorry on February 12

Optophobia said:

Learn logical fallacies before you try and use them with wikipedia.

Back to the original point:

Government policy used to target immigrants in the same way it did Aboriginals. Did they both not try to assimilate them to white culture via official public policy?

Zrap said: "and told to forget their original culture, lifestyle and tradition."
And I replied with that the same thing happend to immigrants to Australia yet you claim it didn't and when challenged on it you simply argue with a peripheral hyperbole (Red Herring) and post a wiki link to imply I was wrong about something (Ad Hominem).

If one is deserving of an apology for the same reason why isn't the other?

In all honesty, I have to treat everything else you said in the post I'm replying to as a joke because it is so stupid and reveals your hypocrisy. Ad Hominem much? It's also nice how you put words in my mouth and attack them. Thats what we who have actually studied logic call a straw man fallacy. (Well, I hope so. See, I don't need to use wikipedia as I know what I am on about.)

And it is still funny how you claim that a movie loosely based on a book which was based on a primary account from someones childhood is a rock solid source.

And I'm also slightly confused as to why you're arguing against me on the basis that: I don't want to say sorry, the stolen generation never existed (regarding your comment saying that I believe Rabbit Proof fence in general to be a lie), etc.

Optophobia said:
lolz.. White middle class guilt. I'm hardcore, i don't support an apology. But omg, i really feel for the indigenous kids in the NT. Government intervention needs to take place :(
That is just stupid. Why is not supporting an apology incompatible with caring for the welfare of Aboriginals today? I never knew that supporting an apology was mutually exclusive with wishing to take care of the welfare of Aboriginals.
I guess this post really shows your lack of a grasp on any reasoning other than your own limited and media fed liberal thinking.


Re: Rudd to say Sorry on February 12

Katie Squires said:
hai dere sxc jew
lol sip jrwe
where who the fuk r u

katie in rhab tomorrow cu tehjre


Re: Rudd to say Sorry on February 12

chicky_pie said:
Here comes Abo's going around the streets screaming 'we're getting compo"
Nice to see the calibre of peoples responses.
Oh dear.


Sep 30, 2007
Re: Rudd to say Sorry on February 12

we cant say sorry or a whole heap of lawsuits are going to be thrown on us straight away... one has already tried that, and won.


Re: Rudd to say Sorry on February 12

blacksunset said:
we cant say sorry or a whole heap of lawsuits are going to be thrown on us straight away... one has already tried that, and won.
This idea about a million lawsuits miraculously appearing out of no where is illogical. Do you really think the majority of indigenous people are economically equipped to launch a legal campaign against the Australian Government? Its ridiculous and just an argument that ignorant liberals use so they dont have to say sorry.



Re: Rudd to say Sorry on February 12

pen-el-ope said:
This idea about a million lawsuits miraculously appearing out of no where is illogical. Do you really think the majority of indigenous people are economically equipped to launch a legal campaign against the Australian Government? Its ridiculous and just an argument that ignorant liberals use so they dont have to say sorry.

Not ignorant liberals. dumbasses.

I think you'd find us ignorant Liberals don't agree with an apology because there is nothing for us to apologise for.


Kirsty Xx

That's the price we pay
Nov 29, 2007
Location? Location?! Intellectu
Re: Rudd to say Sorry on February 12

katie_tully said:
Not ignorant liberals. dumbasses.

I think you'd find us ignorant Liberals don't agree with an apology because there is nothing for us to apologise for.


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