Good to see you're applying 3rd week commerce theory onto a business of which you really know nothing about.Wolfowitz said:Fantastic.
I leave BoS for a month and its becomming a commercial entity.
With its turnover BoS and its transposition from a not-for-profit entity to a commercial one a lot of things will change. Although taxation for internet-based intangible service providers is sketchy some tax will have to be paid. Which means fucks to the marketing - most people have a basic idea of marketing - what about the tax? Moolah flying here and there.
What happens if one of the partners - I'm assuming the super-mods are retaining their partnership and using the board mods as drones to organise this change - decides to withdraw money for any of the manifold associated costs of running this community?
Who's going to hold the accounts information for all the transactions? James? Will he need a new computer? Will it be paid for by the subscribers?
My concern is not that you're forming a business but that there's not a sufficient-enough subscriber-base to support the costs of your operation.
Fair enough you might get the odd internet-addict subscribing but for all your talk of the expanding internet market and the willingness of customers to spend big on the net you're omitting one thing; the benefits of premium membership must be substantial enough to warrant its introduction.
Some more free space? Bigger icons? Some other sundry competition-esque shit? What does it mean to the average BoS user who just wants to understand a concept a bit better? Jack all.
Premium content is appealing when your experience is hindered by not having it. You can't play WoW without an account. Some internet games allow you greater access to skills and weapons. Some sundry surrenderings aren't going to make it all that appealing.
Who the hell are you going to sell to? Cash-strapped students who don't have personal credit cards or an understanding of other means by which internet-trade is conducted? Struggling students who in looking for help could get the same service at one of the manifold other student sites? You can't think just because BoS has 'EVER-SO-MANY' subscribers that there are all that many engaging users. I venture that of the thousands of users; only 200 would engage readily with the community. Can 200 by .05 by 360 really support a server?
Lastly. The reason for the success of BoS has been its value. For less than the price of a cup of coffee students could chat and retrieve study reasources. Now that you've created an ecomonic heirachy students will be more reluctant to join the site.
It's a long road you've got ahead...I'm undecided as to whether I approve or not.
Either way I'm thinking of starting my own student-based community...even if I have to advertise it along City road.
stas > wannabe goth.
e: I think a lot of people miss the point and act like bos wants to do this. Unless anyone else has any better ideas for cash that would actually work, why not suggest them, rather than point out the obvious evil of the current scheme?
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